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  1. J

    Randall RH150G3

    hahaha when i used to use this head i used to turn it up pretty loud lol, i had to turn it up so much that it would cut out, i emailed randall about it coz i thought it was a problem, they emailed back saying it cuts out to protect the speakers from damage LOL
  2. J

    So damn confused

    i officially love you forever lol. im pumped to go try one out, been wanting to try one out for a while y'know, but for the past 2 weeks now (grr) its been at the tech being modded, getting the bias mod done and getting a master volume put in (its after post gain so HELLO ATTENUATION!) :P thanks...
  3. J

    So damn confused

    hello all, im really really confused, course im getting told about 1 million different things. for starters, alot of people say, dont turn your presence up much on your 6505 much course it will sound solid statey and harsh, i kinda agree with that, but some people say, ITS A MUST TO HAVE...
  4. J

    6505 settings

    oh okay thanks, im sorta looking for a parkway driveish sound i spose you could say except using a 7 string lol so like a step lower or whatever
  5. J

    Funny Metal Tribute

    LOL, damn, thats not it, it wasn't an actual song.. it was more just this guy talking and would play short lttle clips like, when he was explaining about different types of metal it was like BLACK METAL -plays 2 second clip- DEATH METAL -plays SAME 2 sec clip- and that bit goes on like that lol.
  6. J

    Funny Metal Tribute

    hi, i need some help tracking down a file, im not sure if its audio or video, but a couple or a few nights ago on 104.9fm (triple M) (sydney), the DJ played this "tribute to metal" track, im not sure if it was originally a vid or not i dunno, but it was heaps funny, it was saying about diff...
  7. J

    Whitechapel Guitar/Bass Rig

    hey alex. thats one nice rig, i love whitechapel so much lol, do you reckon your OD-9 helps you heaps with your tone? coz im thinkin of gettin one myself :D
  8. J

    6505 settings

    hi, i was having a look through the amp settings thread, and noticed with the 6505 that people have there mids around 7 and bass at like 5 or 6, that would be a lead tone wouldnt it? not a rhythm tone, coz i know the 6505 has very "present" mids, but 7 is alot isnt it... what would be a more...
  9. J

    Maxon OD808 or OD9 for boosting

    hi, basically the title says it all, which do you think is better for boosting a 6505+?
  10. J

    Metal Amps never made..(but should have been)

    well... its not an amp .. but me and my friend made up a pedal lol. its called the cunt-blaster 5000, its in the shape of a penis and instead of a gain knob its a "testosterone knob", the level knob is "intensity" knob, and the volume is a "positions" knob, its got so much gain that it will...
  11. J

    Wow npd maxon 808

    hey dude sweet pedal (Y), do you find with the mid hump with the 808 that it makes the mids on the 6505 go pretty crazy? (seeing as the mids are already pretty present)
  12. J

    Randall g3 plus?

    dont want to be negative here... but i have to be. im sorry, i have this amp, and i really dislike it.. i find, its alright for at home practicing in your bedroom and everything, but once you get in a band situation... it fails horribly, really unclear undefined and not enough presence, i dunno.
  13. J

    EQ Pedal + 6505

    i want like a chunky rhythm tone with good palm mutes and such
  14. J

    EQ Pedal + 6505

    hahaha thats the problem y'see, that wasnt my setup at all lol, the dude was like, yeah we supply the amps and stuff (i didnt have my 6505 then) so i was like cooool ok, and ended up recording with a metalzone through a randall hybrid. i was like, fail
  15. J

    EQ Pedal + 6505

    thanks guys, i dont really want to "scoop" my mids that much, i just need a really thick rhythm tone, TREASON on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads thats what style my band plays, that was recorded in drop B and then videos on the page were in drop a which we...
  16. J

    EQ Pedal + 6505

    hi, i was thinking to get some flexibility to my tone and add some low end and slightly scoop my mids a tad, would this be benificial to my tone? or would it make it sound crappy and weird? will i still get my br00t4l 6505 sound with some extra low or will it mess with it too much?
  17. J


    hi, this is my first post on this website, getting my first seven string for christmas ;) Schecter Hellraiser C7, anyway, i play in a four piece metal band and at the moment my rig consists of Ibanez MTM1 (Drop A) > Boss NS-2 > Peavey 6505+ head > Orange PPC412 w/v30's. the second guitarist in...
