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  1. hiltz171jim

    Sagan - The Pale Blue Dot. *It will change your life.

    So I have always been into Astronomy, cosmology, all of that (which is why my Jotun being built right now is an allusion to space) and I wanted to share this here. Why? Because I feel that this is extremely important to the ways that we should view the purpose of our lives, and the effects our...
  2. hiltz171jim

    .strandberg* #51

    Definitely, DEFINITELY my favorite Strandberg. I love that green. It is a very unique color, and I love unique.
  3. hiltz171jim

    NGD : Mayones Regius 7

    Dat....dat top though
  4. hiltz171jim

    Official Daemoness Guitars Thread

    To give people an idea at the wait time (at least what I waited), I put my deposit down in June of 2012 when the quoted time was 14-18 months. I am now in the current batch, so what is that, around a 27-28 month wait going by when I received the e-mail saying "I am starting your build." I had no...
  5. hiltz171jim

    Official Daemoness Guitars Thread

    He told me that he has made the scale length of the Jotun a standard 25.5 to 27" as he feels that works best, so I went with that.
  6. hiltz171jim

    Official Daemoness Guitars Thread

    Yes, two years after my deposit, and basically two years since I have posted anything on this site, my new beast has been revealed. The top picture is the burl top I chose. The bottom neck is also that of mine. It has begun. :evil: :cool:
  7. hiltz171jim

    Help with string gauges for an F tuning on a 27" scale.

    See I've heard a couple times now that an .80 sucks on a 27" scale, but I just recently put a Circle K .80 on my DC800 and it sounds amazing. Very snarly and tight. Anyway, for the pickups I'd go with either (if youre sticking to actives) 808x's or the Blackouts (thats pretty much the only...
  8. hiltz171jim

    NGD Skervesen Viper (aka Octopus)

    One of the few guitars that have actually made me say oh my god out loud. That thing is absolutely stunning.
  9. hiltz171jim

    DC800 Bareknuckle swap

    So after a month of waiting my Painkillers arrived in the mail and I got the swap done (my first pickup swap ever) within a day or two and got everything wired right my first try! :hbang: These painkillers do sound very awesome. I'm sure everybody already knows the characteristics of a BKP...
  10. hiltz171jim

    Too many custom luthiers...

    I might as well join in on this and put out my opinion. I've been playing guitar for 7 or 8 years now and I have owned two Schecters, an ESP Ltd. and 4 Carvins. The Carvins, being semi-custom, have definitely spoiled me with their beauty and quality and their customization was what got me...
  11. hiltz171jim

    Etherial 9 string custom carbon fiber guitar

    That looks fucking awesome...... sweet how the red changes to yellow. And I don't know if I'm the only one to notice, or if it's supposed to be this way but your username is NaYoN, but the picture says Noyan?
  12. hiltz171jim

    NGD: KxK 7DC Claro Walnut

    Dude that guitar is so freaking gorgeous! I also live in the Pittsburgh area..... If you ever feel like letting me play it I'm here hahaha. Im jealous of it!
  13. hiltz171jim

    Animals As Leaders NEED YOUR HELP!!! (Stolen gear)

    I shared this with the Carvin forums, the guys over there I'm sure will be glad to help as much as they can. This is seriously such terrible news and whoever is responsible is despicable
  14. hiltz171jim

    DC800 Picture thread!!

    Flash No Flash :) Please excuse my amazing (shitty) camera skills... these are cell phone pics haha
  15. hiltz171jim

    Anyone else been spoilt by a beautiful guitar?

    My Carvins... :) Sorry... these aren't the best pictures :/
  16. hiltz171jim

    NGD! Sparkly content

    Beautiful guitar! I love my Carvins... oh and the finish is definitely rare, its a discontinued finish called Harlequin Prismatique, and I wish you could still get it as an option :(
  17. hiltz171jim

    The Carvin 7XX Club!

    Here's my DC727
  18. hiltz171jim

    Gorgeous Guitar Land

    First my guitars (crappy cell phone pictures) Now others: And the two most beautiful guitars I have ever seen in my life:
  19. hiltz171jim

    Wait list questions

    I have a DC800 and a Hellrasier. I can tell you that in my opinion, the two are pretty different. Now it is a 6 string Hellraiser, but talking strictly about shape and thickness, the DC800 is thinner to me. And the shape of it makes it feel like it just flows from edge to edge, and there are no...

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