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  1. Briz

    SSO Knife Discussion Thread

    I have two USA Blurs. They're great knives, depending on your application. The Blur was my gateway to Zero Tolerance knives.
  2. Briz

    The Carvin / Kiesel thread

    Maybe a little of a tangent, but I'm curious about your thoughts on neck stability. When I was considering a Kiesel 7, the biggest selling point was the reinforced necks. I'm in a region where humidity can range from 39% - 62% within a day during some months. I'm constantly running a...
  3. Briz

    Googles AI tool Gemini is apparently Woke and too politically correct

    Which is important, especially if we're inching closer towards the technogical singularity hypothesis.
  4. Briz

    Googles AI tool Gemini is apparently Woke and too politically correct

    Sundar Pichai has already issued a response. Google is working to correct the issues. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out. The start of the memo: "I want to address the recent issues with problematic text and image responses in the Gemini app (formerly Bard). I know that some of its...
  5. Briz

    New Schecter Models Megathread

    Man, the nostalgia of those old Schecters. It seemed like most local bands in my area that played those old school Schecters at the time fit into a genre I called Ed Hardy rock - Ed Hardy or Tapout t-shirt, bedazzled button down back pants pockets, blowout Jersey Shore hair, at least one...
  6. Briz

    Aristides Guitars

    Nice! How long was the wait? I'm almost a month in for the 6-9 month stated period for an 070r.
  7. Briz


    Supposedly it didn't ship like that. I received pics before shipment. But yeah, who knows?
  8. Briz


    My only bad experience with ebony fretboard is with a Schecter KM-7 MK-III Artist L that I just returned not too long ago. Not sure if it was the ebony responding to changes in climate or damage during shipment due to the ill-fitting case. Never had a problem, otherwise.
  9. Briz

    A.I. generated content: share it here

    I feel like I want... no, need to see this band.
  10. Briz

    Ruf Guitars Doctor Schrödinger 6

    Nice. I just watched the factory tour vid. Seems very similar to Aristides, with Ruffaine instead of Arium. Maybe we'll get a comparison video as the company matures and more people get their hands on these guitars. That 7 trans purple on their site looks great. I can't tell if that's...
  11. Briz

    Not happy not so new NGD Mayones duvell elite 6

    That sounds like Aftermaths to me. They're shrill and a bit abrasive sounding. Like I said, took me a bit of time to get the right pickup height and to dial in my settings. Mine aren't quite as bright now, but they were very shrill when I first got the guitar. I also play that particular...
  12. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    Okay, I see your point on a few items mentioned. I linked and quoted a few excerpts from Google on their methodology and how they defined bias. There's a lot of information embedded here: This information plus the Managing...
  13. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    I'm also part of a marginalized minority group on my mother's side. My position simply put: current state vs target state. It's evident that Gemini was a disaster because it alienated a diverse group of people in its current state, in its team's quest for diversity. My position is that...
  14. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    This? If so, I found it and will read it. Thanks On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?
  15. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    I honestly don't know. I'm going to research it though. So far, I see that Google partners with AI2, Paul Allen's company.
  16. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    Dial it back. You're projecting what you want me to be. You conveniently left out an Asian representation of Harriet Tubman, which is also historically inaccurate. Do you live in a region where everyone is racist? If so, move. I don't experience that in my life. If I did, I'd call it out...
  17. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    First, it's not a press release, it's a detailed report that shares links to their methodology. Second, who are these AI ethicists that are the arbiters of the universal definition of biases? Do you know who they are? How they're funded? How diverse they are in worldviews? What's their EQ...
  18. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    Google states their approach is unique and different and points to their infrastructure's and overall build's unique attributes. They also defined their definition of bias. So did Gemini arrive at its own conclusion of what constitutes bias, or did the team that (in their own words) rigorously...
  19. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    Quote from Google, on their blog: "We designed Gemini to be natively multimodal, pre-trained from the start on different modalities. Then we fine-tuned it with additional multimodal data to further refine its effectiveness. This helps Gemini seamlessly understand and reason about all kinds of...
  20. Briz

    Data Cattle?

    Google built the infrastructure, logic, parameters and defined initial behavior. It's on their blog: "We've been rigorously testing our Gemini models and evaluating their performance on a wide variety of tasks. From natural image, audio and video understanding to mathematical reasoning, Gemini...