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  1. M

    EVH 5150 III mini vs Peavey 6505+

    Yeah, is truth, but, what you say with respect to the quality of build in the EVH mini? Is better that the Peavey? Because the Peavey is made in USA and many peoples have this amps for year without many problems. The EVH is made in Mexico.
  2. M

    EVH 5150 III mini vs Peavey 6505+

    Well, I want a head that can give exactly that... "better sound, but, at high volumes", because I think use this to play in live, in big concerts with my 4x12" cabinet!
  3. M

    EVH 5150 III mini vs Peavey 6505+

    Hi, I need your help to buy a new head. I want know, which of this heads is better with respect to: -Definition in all (cleans, distortion and leads) -Sweet tone in cleans. -Balls. -More thick tone in the distortion. -More articulate tone. -Best quality of build. -Best cut in the mix. namely...