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  1. D

    Post your Universes!

    bill!!!:shred: seriously cool swirl...
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    Post your Universes!

    cool thread: here are my 3- bob nice uv swirl on the 7 string:hbang:
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    Havent been around here in a while, but heres some pics of my ibby

    the pickguards cool, but im not feeling it- y'know?
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    Modded my 97' UV!

    nah ... not me, but thats me :-),...if you like it ...good on you.
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    Swirled UV (probably a repost)

    nice 7 string, a real beauty in it's own right! nice
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    Help with amps (what ones go well with sevens)

    bogner xtc 101b...:shred:
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    Picture of my collection

    awesome collection!!!
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    My 3 sevens

    :hbang: holy cow! killer guitars jim, that 727 just blows me away...:wallbash:
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    My 4 babies!!!

    these guitars are my tools of trade, they pay for themselves...several times over, and i consider myself to be so lucky, rock on!!!!:shred:
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    My 4 babies!!!

    The reason for the 3 guitars is that when i gig i have a spare 2, if i snap a string, we play 45 minssets and 15 minute breaks, sometimes changing a broken string on a floyd rose takes 3 times longer on a standard fixed bridge!!!so one backup was not enough!,i consider myself lucky to have 3...
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    My 4 babies!!!

    thanks for the compliments for the wife deserves all the credit for our baby...:bowdown:
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    My 4 babies!!!

    thanks very much:-)
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    My 4 babies!!!

    yes it is...i had one installed in pheonix, and it sounds killer!!! hard to get hold of one, brought it of a mate of ebay, in australia...
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    My 4 babies!!!

    Dawn,Gaya,Pheonix...and my baby girl River:shred:
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    Guitar World's "Betcha Can't Play This"

    rusty and romeo, killer!!!
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    Sustainer queries

    i have a sustainer in one of my mc77, it was a single coil version, which im glad as i was able to still use of my single pickups to go with the pickup,it is a cool idea, thats why i brought it, and ,i hope fernandes will bring back the 7 string version of the sustainer!!!,...i will post a pic...
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    Hi from New Zealand

    Hi, im Jamie, from auckland... i play in 2 bands and freelance alot..with singers,... I own 3 mc uv77"s, which i love to death...the swirls are grt8,..i found this site by accident but this is really a grt8 site for 7 slingers... a xtra hi to jemsiters:-) peace... Dnasurfer...
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    Kia ora

    kia ora bro... post us a pic when u get a 7 string k.?
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    RG8127VV vs. UVMC

    As a uv payer i will go with the mc universes, when u see a nice mc universe it stops ppl in there tracks...
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    Rusty Cooley finger stretchs

    rusty is defintley a killer player:-)