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  1. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor Build

    Can I steal this exact quote and use it in my thread? Pretty please? You hit it right on the head.... I mean.... F**k
  2. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Here we go, fret action!
  3. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Funny enough, he sent me an update, mixed with your stuffs. LOL I'm just too lazy to upload right now.
  4. SiggyCertified

    I accidently a Mayones

    Dude, I'm with you.... I felt like absolute shit when I paid my deposit in full, and I have about a month of waiting left. Although i'm about 99.9% sure that when I see the thing i'll be like
  5. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    And get this.... I was told I might have to wait until Saturday for my next update. THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!! :P
  6. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Okey dokey, I lied to everyone, and changed my mind, because this kind of shit happens... haha. I've decided to say, f**k color, I have enough on my other guitars... Once again I thank Skervesen for their patience with my indecisiveness and, needless to say, I am much more pleased with this...
  7. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor Build

    Absolutely gorgeous dude, so sexy.
  8. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor Build

    I'll be honest... i'm extremely jealous of that fretboard. It looks absolutely delicious.
  9. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Just the top, I still want those GORGEOUS woods to shine on the back. @olivier, I would send them an e-mail. :)
  10. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Skervesen at it yet again! :mad: <--- Looks like this guy. Heh
  11. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Ummm, yeah....... already?!?!?! These guys are insanely fast, and all I can do laugh at how much they've gotten done so far. I'm honestly shocked, haha. PICS!: Body ALREADY cut, with the top as well. Apparently they've found out the Raptor doubles as the perfect Diet Coke holder! Lol...
  12. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor Build

    Oh there's no doubt you guys love what you do.... But you are most certainly building at the speed of light in some kind of 6th dimension...
  13. SiggyCertified

    They pretty much said that they're very much open to the idea but they're not exactly sure what...

    They pretty much said that they're very much open to the idea but they're not exactly sure what to do themselves. I though a wooden imprint on the back of the headstock as its least likely to mess with tone. And would probably look badass. Or. Since the new fad nowadays is to have a wrist band...
  14. SiggyCertified

    NGD - Mayones Madness (Bring your broadband folks!)

    Absolutely gorgeous. I have one on the way myself, cannot wait.
  15. SiggyCertified

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Just like MetalDaze who also posted a few days ago (, I too have decided to put in an order with Skervesen after seeing the wonderful terrormachine. After a few days of back and forth...