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  1. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    Yeah I was hoping for a big range of tones, and I didn't want something overly powerful. I've gone out on a limb with the BK, having heard some demos on youtube, and by each pickups description. I know the Q Tuner will sound good though, having 1 in one of my 7 strings. The only disappointment...
  2. M

    Um WTF happend this 8-string LTD?

    wow that's weird but kewl. not my thing though
  3. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    update, still a while to go
  4. M

    Kahler Pro 2228K stability

    HAHA you have a good ear. any chance you have perfect pitch? things out of tune drive me bonkers because of it...
  5. M

    Official Bowes Guitars Thread - Works In Progress

    :bowdown: this guitar looks stunning
  6. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    yet another pic now showing both wings
  7. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    updated pic of the guitar so far, still a lot of shaping, rounding etc to do. this is just to give a basic idea
  8. M

    So what is the deal with the Blackmachine F8?

    wow Ayrshire? I was born in East Ayrshire! Just recently moved down to Manchester. Never realized anyone else from Scotland knew what an 8 string guitar was :P
  9. M

    Would this work? (8 string noob)

    I'm currently getting a custom 8 string with a kalher trem built. Should be finished in February, so I'll let you know them how it feels, but I've heard nothing but good things about kahler trems. I have however heard that the locking nuts arent good, but I think that has to do with the old...
  10. M

    UK blokes help me out!

    try Stringsdirect - Online Guitar Strings and Accessories - you'll get free shipping on orders over £5 I think. I buy all my strings from there (Elixirs and a single D'Addario for the bottom B). Not sure on how thick and thin you can get singles from them, but they have a wide selection. Have a...
  11. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    I've already searched a lot about it, but I figured they said the locks behind the nut weren't very good, not the actual locking nut style? Can anyone clarify this?
  12. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    ok thanks. He forgot to order the locking nut at the time, but he's going to order it tomorrow.
  13. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    I already have an all-walnut 7 string and love it, that's why I'm getting this one all walnut too :) I don't find the guitar too heavy at all, but I know what you're talking about with the neck dive though. We might end up having to make it a 5 piece neck or something to make it less heavy...
  14. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    Tremolo finally arrived a couple of days ago, so the design can finally start - Does anyone know where I could get hold of an 8 string locking nut? We're going to contact Kahler and see if they'll make one, considering they've made a 7 string one before. If not, I'm then going to try and get...
  15. M

    So here is Tony Macalpine's new 8 string.

    tony is making a new album with planet x - thts why he's got the 8 string. i think he's probably stuck with carvin, but maybe 1 or 2 songs uses the 8 string on
  16. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    here's a link - custom work
  17. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    I already have an all-walnut guitar and I love it. The weight doesn't bother me
  18. M

    Custom 8 string all walnut

    thanks guys. I have a carvin 7 string which I love and I'm using that as a 'basis' for the 8 string (not entirely happy with the reach to the top frets with the 7 string). I have attached a pic of the body shape I'm going for, I'm not one for wacky designs. I will be taking pictures every month...