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  1. wavez1392

    whats your email address again because i may be interested in trading my rgd2127 and my jackson...

    whats your email address again because i may be interested in trading my rgd2127 and my jackson dk1 for a guitar of yours. Email me back if you still remember it.
  2. wavez1392

    Ibanez RG1527 (Lundgren M7 & Dimarzio D'Activator & Tremol-No)

    Would you possibly be interested in trading for a mint bengal dk1 jackson? If not then I will have to wait to sell it before i can buy most likely.
  3. wavez1392

    Ibanez J-Custom RG-8127 7-String

    I may be interested if I can sell or trade my mint jackson dk1. What are the pickups in there? Stock?
  4. wavez1392

    Ibanez RGD2127z

    Have one with bkp nb and cs and its greatest guitar known to man.
  5. wavez1392

    Pickups for 7620

    Yeah my set up is very mid heavy at the moment. Maybe it would be too mid heavy with these pickups. Want something can complement my amp. Thinking I should look for a pickup with more bass and treble? My amp can get very middy and treblely when eq'd the right way. Not enough bass usually.
  6. wavez1392

    Pickups for 7620

    ---Thought I should add that I am playing through I Mesa rectoverb combo, which always run with a Keeley compressor, Isp Decimator and a Ibanez tubescreamer through the front of the amp.
  7. wavez1392

    Pickups for 7620

    Been looking through a lot of the threads about 7620/basswood guitars and pickups, and I want a little more info about which sets I should pickup. I want the bridge pickup to have a strong tight bass while still being able to maintain clarity with chords. Ideally I'm looking to get a...
  8. wavez1392

    The "radioactive" 7620! now with Painkillers!

    Sent you a pm. Guessing you don't have it anymore? :(
  9. wavez1392

    Metal pickup for hss strat

    sounds awesome in those videos. Pretty crisp tone.
  10. wavez1392

    Metal pickup for hss strat

    Was looking at the sh-6, but I heard there cleans are pretty muddy. Is this true? Would like to be able to play occasional clean parts in the bridge. Although, i'm willing to sacrifice having crisp cleans for killer djenty toned riffs.
  11. wavez1392

    Metal pickup for hss strat

    Budget wise i'm not looking to spend bareknuckle prices. Anything less or around 100 for the bridge pickup works for me.
  12. wavez1392

    Metal pickup for hss strat

    I have a mesa rectoverb, which I use a Keeley compressor and a Ibanez tubescreamer in front of the amp.I play/listen to modern metal like winds of plague, veil of maya,boo, all shall perish and bulb/periphery. Would like my setup to have that kind of modern metal tone with a lot of bite. Now...
  13. wavez1392

    Metal pickup for hss strat

    I don't have the cash for a new 6 string guitar at the moment so I was planning on changing the bridge humbucker. Want the pickup to have a lot of bit and bright tone for riffs because thats pretty much all its going to be used for. I know I sound kinda crazy trying to make a strat a metal...
  14. wavez1392

    Next guitar question.

    Currently have a Jackson Bengal top dk1 and I trying to get rid of it for a 6 or 7 string hard tail guitar. From looking over prices on ebay and asking some of my buddies in retail thinking the guitar is worth around 1300ish. Once I get this thing sold I'm going to need a replacement. Looking at...
  15. wavez1392

    EBMM JP6 with Bare Knuckles

    sent you a pm and a email about the guitar. Hope you didn't sell it!