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  1. Crowned

    What are you listening to?

    Deftones n korn
  2. Crowned

    Guitars Built by Members of [pic heavy] Mahogny body with a quilted maple top. Flamed maple neck with ebony fretboard. DiMarzio Crunchlab and Liquifire pickups. Gold hardware. 5-way pickup selector. :hbang:
  3. Crowned

    Help choosing a new amp. engl savage/fireball100/orange rockerverb 100 mkII.

    Both the Savage or the Fireball has enough gain and good shred tones. I that price range you can look into the Powerball II or the Victor Smolski Signature. But of these I would take the Savage.
  4. Crowned

    Your dream rig vs. your current rig?

    ______________________________________________________________________________________________ CURRENT RIG: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Guitars: LTD MH-250FR, BC Rich Warlock. Amp(s): Blackstar HT-5R combo. Effects: Boss...
  5. Crowned

    What recording/studio stuff should I buy?

    Okey Thanks :bowdown:
  6. Crowned

    What recording/studio stuff should I buy?

    Hello! I really want to start record my own stuff and I wonder what things I should buy. I don't have a lot money :ugh: .So what do you recommend buying?
  7. Crowned

    8 string universe-- uv88mc?

    this is awesome, good work!
  8. Crowned

    D-Activator 7 Bridge + Liquifire neck?

  9. Crowned

    Why are you happy right now?

    because i'm playing PS3 :bowdown:
  10. Crowned

    My ltd H 307

    forest green :bowdown:
  11. Crowned

    New 6 string build.

    that looks awesome! :-)
  12. Crowned

    New ESP Whitechapel Signatures!

    It's not right, the AW-7 have a fixed bridge. And the BS-7 have DiMarzios not EMG?!
  13. Crowned

    MH-417-Possible Re-finish

    I was also going to sand my LTD SC-207 when i get it.
  14. Crowned

    LTD PH600 £500 *Very Rare*

    how about you sent it to sweden and i trade it for my BC Rich