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  1. Ram150023

    Applying a Veneer to an Archtop...

    If Pondman says "No"... End of discussion! :lol: PS... If youve seen his builds... You know hes like a grand wizard.... Galndof aint got shizz on him :rofl: So id listen!!
  2. Ram150023

    NutzKustoms KK Warlock... AKA "The Green Meanie"

    Another quick update... Unfortunately havent been able to work on this over the weekend due to Military Duty... But i did manage to lay down a couple coats of primer. Just gonna have it sit and harden so i will be able to give it a good sanding to really smooth it out...
  3. Ram150023

    First 7 String, pulling the trigger late March

    Well you surely wont be disappointed in the RG7 route. And i believe those are at 27"(?) scale... Not exactly sure... But in anycase, the extra scale length is so insignificant unless you have TRex arms... Its unnoticeable. And ive jumped from 25.5 to 28.625"!! And if the platform is...
  4. Ram150023

    First 7 String, pulling the trigger late March

    I would HIGHLY recommend going with an RG7XXX from ibanez first. Or something around the $300-400 CDN. Dropping a g-whiz on something you may not even like is quite the gamble. Start small and if you like it and jive well.. The more expensive guitars will come. But if you don't.. The resale...
  5. Ram150023

    Is Ibanez 2228 where it's at?

    Jump on the 2228 immediately!!! Not saying the IL isnt good... But id kill for a genuine 2228!! ... And now going to play my RG8...
  6. Ram150023

    5 String drop Ab string sets?

    Go directly to !!!!!!! You can 100% customize an entire set you need and for an excellent price! The string set I ordered (granted for my 8 string) only cost $13.05 shipped!! And so far, the strings are excellent!!
  7. Ram150023

    Need cheap amp for metal band.

    I started on a Line 6 spyder II through a crate 4x12. Worked wonders and kept up with the drums and overall volume of our practices and live gigs. You can find the head for under $150 in great condition. Obviously if you go to the later models, youll pay a bit more... But for the cheap route...
  8. Ram150023

    Guitar Storage

    So your saying leaving your guitar in your car in the dead of winter wont affect it? Sorry... I respectfully disagree. I did that once. Completely fvcked the neck. Yet it was very dry and in its case in my car. Just the cold. If i ever have to take any one of my guitars out of the house...
  9. Ram150023

    Guitar Storage

    Wrong area to post this question... But yes it can be TOO dry for a guitar. Have to find a happy medium. And in a cold environment still affects the wood... If you can... Try to find a heated, dry place. No need for the silica packets at that point. But they wont hurt
  10. Ram150023

    NGD - BC Rich Warlock : Cheap, but Awesome!

    Here ya go... Started another refinish on my Brother-in-law's Warlock... Check it out!!
  11. Ram150023

    NutzKustoms KK Warlock... AKA "The Green Meanie"

    More progress today... Routed the battery box into the body. First time doing it... Measured 10x and cut once! My dremel bit was a bit worn, so it burned the wood a little... But it will be hidden either way. No harm no foul. And the pics... ... Honestly it...
  12. Ram150023

    NutzKustoms KK Warlock... AKA "The Green Meanie"

    As promised... The pics... "R" headstock logo inbound from the UK... Tuning machines being delivered today (or tomorrow)... And just waiting on the new knobs. Routing within the next day or so... Pending work schedule
  13. Ram150023

    Bands not open to you using an ERG

    HA! I would seriously rethink my relationship at that moment. Id ask, in a very serious manner as to "why" i couldnt use a particular guitar. Has all the same 6 strings they're accustomed to. The ER aspect gives you a bigger pallet... Therefore additional "colors" to paint in sound. Dont let...
  14. Ram150023

    NutzKustoms KK Warlock... AKA "The Green Meanie"

    Quick update... Parts have been arriving (finally) and they include... Bridge, EMG pickups and the battery box. Ill post pics tomorrow!
  15. Ram150023

    25itims first build

    Bery nice build! The neck wood has awesome figuring! Oh... And :welcome: to SSO!!
  16. Ram150023

    Let that teenage angst flow, because Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory is free for 2 weeks

    Ahhh... 11th grade... before I knew what real metal was. Still sounds good through my woofers! :lol::lol::lol:
  17. Ram150023

    NutzKustoms KK Warlock... AKA "The Green Meanie"

    Welp... I can do it for you if you want!! Just lemme know! :lol:
  18. Ram150023

    Ergonomic seven with onboard MIDI control

    Absolutely insane! Excellent job with the R & D. If you can make the fretboard with "standard" perpendicular frets... Im first in line!!!
  19. Ram150023

    NutzKustoms KK Warlock... AKA "The Green Meanie"

    Thats EXACTLY what im doing :hbang: Stay tuned to the "RG8 MODS" thread for that one...
  20. Ram150023

    NutzKustoms KK Warlock... AKA "The Green Meanie"

    Thank you! Wait till you see it on my RG8!! Quiz... Name that guitarrist / band!!