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  1. Pollywog

    Amp problems

    We were planning on doing that but we don't really have any amp techs we know or trust anywhere nearby. Plus, we lack of money right now. What we're looking for is more an idea of what might be the possible cause of this is.
  2. Pollywog

    Amp problems

    Someone I know has an Ashdown FA60H but is having some problems. The amp will turn on, but there isn't any sound coming out of the amp nor do the powertubes light up. Me and him have already checked by cleaning out the powertube sockets and replacing the tubes with another tube. Does anyone know...
  3. Pollywog


    My hair was straight but a bit wavy when I was about six lol. But even though I've grown my hair out again to the same length it wasn't straight again. And I've thought about a straightener, hell I planned on buying one anyway just so I could look a bit different if I wanted to.
  4. Pollywog


    Okay let's get to the point. I'm trying to grow my hair out long again (it was kind of when I decided to get it cut) Well anyway its been a long time since I've had long hair and I want to grow it out again. But when it starts getting longer it pretty much turns into a fro type thing (aka super...
  5. Pollywog

    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    Pollywog on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads (band)
  6. Pollywog

    Amott's Signature Dean V's

    I agree. His new Deans, well to put it mildly, I don't like either of them. The Testament one is kinda cool but not really my thing.
  7. Pollywog

    Your Purchases for 2009

    From everything I've heard at this point, it's supposed to be a refined XXX without all the over-the-top cosmetics.
  8. Pollywog

    Your Purchases for 2009

    I've got a shitload of stuff on my gas list at this point (some new, some isn't) Guitars: Axl Jackknife in black Mollenhauer black quilt strat Ibanez Destroyer (new 1) B.C. Rich ASM Pro Schecter Hellraiser Avenger Prs Tremonti SE A partsocaster U.S. Masters Vxtreme Spear Gladius-HT...
  9. Pollywog

    Jackson new Matt Tuck sig

    I like it. But if I had the money for one, I'd probably buy something else. Not that I ever have that amount of money in the first place.:(
  10. Pollywog

    Best Amp under $500

    Yeah, if the OP had an attenuator I might more inclined to recommend the Legacy. But since Verbius didn't say anything about having one I'm assuming he doesn't.
  11. Pollywog

    DBZ guitars (Goes supersayain! I mean.. online)

    I, myself kinda like the Cavallo Premier. I just hope the prices are gonna be good on these things because honestly that will be the only I'm going to be considering one of them.
  12. Pollywog

    NGD! (Blackmachine B6)

    That thing is pretty awesome. Congrats!
  13. Pollywog

    Best Amp under $500

    I didn't think the Legacy could do low volume stuff though, considering the OP mentions that they live in an apartment. It has a been a long time since I messed with one but I don't remember the low volume tones sounding all that great. I'm going to second the Valvestate recommendation though...
  14. Pollywog

    Ibanez 2009 Line-up

    Does anyone have any idea how much the new destroyer is going to cost?
  15. Pollywog

    Tube combo amps: What do you recommend?

    I personally dig the Spidervalve but it's a bit much for what you're looking for. I haven't played one but I've heard a lot of good things about the Traynor YCS50 though. You can get it in a 1x12 combo form. It's a 50 watt combo that can be put into a 15 watt mode.
  16. Pollywog

    Compiling a list of all Sevens, v2.0

    It's part of the Blackjack Family but Schecter C-7 ATX.
  17. Pollywog

    New here

    :imnew: New guy here. I've already made a few posts but I thought I'd come here and introduce myself. My name's Corey. I've been lurking here for about three or four months and finally registered. Yeah anyway I got my first seven string back in August for my 15th birthday. Anyway I've been...
  18. Pollywog

    Ibanez 2009 Line-up

    That destroyer is really sweet. It's probably not going to be a good year for the money lol.
  19. Pollywog

    To baritone, or not to baritone?

    I myself prefer the baritone. It just sounds clearer to me. I myself don't have any personal experience with it, but from what I understand Rondo has a good return policy so if you order one and don't like it you should be return it and get the other. Like I said though, just what I've heard...
  20. Pollywog

    I just got thrown out of Ed Roman Guitars. ;)

    That story is great. Ed Roman makes me laugh my ass off.