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  1. Ruination19D

    Hello From Afghanistan!

    Ibanez RDG2127z Prestige just arrived at my house! ...Too bad I am still here for another 3 months. =(
  2. Ruination19D

    PODxt+Addictive Drums+MIDI bass+fail

    HA, I wish that was the case! However, I am not that awesome. /selfpity lawl
  3. Ruination19D

    Born of Osiris MegaThread! - All things BoO

    Just got the new album as well, really liking it, so much better than A Higher Place, however The New Reign will always be my favorite since it's just so different. I will say that I did like Bulb's production of Recreate and Singularity over the final album versions.
  4. Ruination19D

    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 6!!!

    This is from a few years back, but still ridiculous.
  5. Ruination19D

    Good icebreakers

  6. Ruination19D

    PODxt+Addictive Drums+MIDI bass+fail

    AH HA HA. WELL I DID. It's what you get for slackin. :rolleyes:
  7. Ruination19D

    Hello From Afghanistan!

    Mmm yes, I must agree with you. More like 6...haha.
  8. Ruination19D

    PODxt+Addictive Drums+MIDI bass+fail

    This sucks man, I(Tim) am not pleased, START OVER! jk. It's pretty badass, I LOLed when I heard the CFH riff in there. <3 you man.
  9. Ruination19D

    Hello From Afghanistan!

    Hell yeah, always nice to run into another 19D, I'm in the 4th I.D. and I can't wait to get the hell out. Got about 3 months or so left, then I am back stateside, YES. :hbang:
  10. Ruination19D

    Hello From Afghanistan!

    I appreciate all the support guys, it's one of the only things that keeps me going.
  11. Ruination19D

    What should I do for my 21st birthday?

    I don't remember much of my 21st birthday...yours should been the same way.
  12. Ruination19D

    Hello From Afghanistan!

    Hey everyone, my buddy Cam(LOGfanforever90) referred me to this site since I plan on getting a 7-String once I come back from this country, still got six months to go! Anyway, I am a Cavalry Scout(19D) in the U.S. Army and I am currently in Afghanistan. Yes I have been in firefights, the...
  13. Ruination19D

    Help My Buddy in the Army Out

    Hey everyone, this is his friend Tim. I appreciate everyone's input, since I don't always have time to do research on my own. I am really looking forward to owning a 7-String, but unfortunately I still have six months in this place.