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  1. NecriteIstKrieg

    New member here showing off my new project (double neck content)

    thanks, neal's work is amaziing. Not a fan of most of his shapes, but he's definately an influence as well as classic BCR and thaks to everyone for the compliments
  2. NecriteIstKrieg

    A little something for the BC Rich Fans

    well Ran copies of BCR riches look retarded, they get the shapes and bevels totally wrong. if you want a BCR, buy a BCR.
  3. NecriteIstKrieg

    BC Rich Wave - cool and/or ugly?

    love Waves, but that one is hideous with the ballsack headstock now this is a wave my 1983 Nagoya Japan NT Wave
  4. NecriteIstKrieg

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    hated it. sounds great by itself, but sucks ass in a band enviorment. The amp is not loud at all, cant cut through the mix for shit. I had to run an eq pedal in the effects loop with the mids boosted to get it to sound half as good as the VHT is just got. Why spend 1600+ bucks on a pedal that...
  5. NecriteIstKrieg

    Sunn Model T reissue or Red knob

    FYI, having owned both, the reissue and the originals are very very different amps, the original is a medium gain single channel amp, the reissue is a 2 channel with a semi hi-gain on the dirty channel
  6. NecriteIstKrieg

    Sunn O))) 412L 8ohm

    I want this cab BAD!!! i will pay to ship it, please reconsider
  7. NecriteIstKrieg

    New member here showing off my new project (double neck content)

    was actually less. crazy how some people work hahah
  8. NecriteIstKrieg

    New member here showing off my new project (double neck content)

    I dig em, not necessarily love them. more of a black metal guy myself. his doubleneck is certainly bad ass. I am a big fan of the fretless work on Blut Aus Nord's " The Work Which Transforms God" which inspired me to make this
  9. NecriteIstKrieg

    New member here showing off my new project (double neck content)

    Thanks. glad you like the shape. Its my favorite of my designs (i have about 10) This one was what i got when i cross bred a BCR Beast with a BCR stealth in my head. I originally was going to build 2 guitars, this shape was going to be the 6 stringm, the 7string freless wos going to be a...
  10. NecriteIstKrieg

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    NICE!!!! love those cabinets!!!
  11. NecriteIstKrieg

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    1975 sunn model T with 6550's, 2007 VHT pittbull 100 CL reconfigured for KT-88's both are FUCKING LOUD!!!
  12. NecriteIstKrieg

    New member here showing off my new project (double neck content)

    just joined here, seeing some pretty cool work all around here and thought I'd chime in. I call this "The Sigil" top neck is a 7 string fretless, bottome is a 6 string fretted. the 6 string will be equipped with a kahler and the top neck will be a string thru. the wings and the center piece (not...
  13. NecriteIstKrieg

    BC Rich freak making the jump to a 7

    thanks, I custom ordered both, they are much better looking in person. they also play like buttered ass
  14. NecriteIstKrieg

    BC Rich freak making the jump to a 7

    I am a regular over at joining here to get my feelers out trying to find a USA BCR 7 string with a hardtail or a kahler here are some of my current axes here's my rig