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  1. rogrotten

    Russia's Toughest Prisons

    that last video about the norwegian jails kind of made want to go to norway and commit a crime hahahaha
  2. rogrotten

    VADER 4X12

    you've got pm
  3. rogrotten

    When should I upgrade my double kick pedals?

    I've had my iron cobras for years they have never failed me they are the most reliable pedals I've ever had. I also tried out the speed cobras and they are very nice pedals too, they feel amazing. The only thing I would change in the Speed cobras would be the beaters to the ones the iron cobra...
  4. rogrotten

    Periphery Show - Anaheim CA 09/16

    not going anymore... :(
  5. rogrotten

    Periphery Show - Anaheim CA 09/16

    I'm going!
  6. rogrotten

    Scale the Summit MegaThread

    Great job as always! Christ you should get Pat to make a drum book for us drummers!
  7. rogrotten

    Red Seas Fire Album!

    FAAAAAACK! can't stop listening to it, even at school all I was thinking of was listening to this!:bowdown:
  8. rogrotten

    New Cynic EP in November 2011!!!!!

  9. rogrotten

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    I'm going to that show, actually a friend of mine is playing so if you guys want cheaper tickets let me know.:hbang:
  10. rogrotten

    Belated NKD (New Kit Day - Sonor Force 3007)

    Dude! nice kit! I know I'm a little late to the party but whatever hahaha. How are you liking the 20x18 bass drum. I'm thinking of moving to a 20x18 I'm tired of 22's.
  11. rogrotten

    Evan Brewer: MEGATHREAD

    I don't think so because he rings out most of the notes so it's a lot more "chordal" and you wouldn't be able to do that in only a bass. Right? correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not sure of what I just said :lol:
  12. rogrotten

    Evan Brewer: MEGATHREAD

    yeah dude, all of the bands have something different ( in a good way). I really enjoyed all the bands. and yeah the level of musicianship was amazing!
  13. rogrotten

    Evan Brewer: MEGATHREAD

    Saw him with at chain reaction with animals as leaders. it was amazing blew my F*cking mind!
  14. rogrotten

    Spector Basses

    you should check if your local sam ash has any in stock and go try it.
  15. rogrotten

    Spector Basses

    I played a spector bass like 5 or 6 years ago, I don't recall the neck being super thick, it's not ass slim as an Ibanez though, I don't know if their necks have changed since I played one.
  16. rogrotten

    Roland kd-7 x2?

    I don't think you can use a double pedal with that trigger. if it were me I would buy another kd7 and a double pedal that you can use as a double and as a single. I'm sure you can find pedals that you can use as both for not a lot of money. Hope this helps. if you have any questions just message me.
  17. rogrotten

    Muhammed's Xiphos HQ Pics

    is it just me or the headstock on Muhammed's 7 is different from normal ibanez headstocks ? EDIT: kind of looks like a Guerilla
  18. rogrotten

    So we're halfway through 2011... Top 5 albums so far?

    In no specific order: Evan Brewer- Alone The Human Abstract- Digital Veil Born of Osiris- The Discovery Scale The Summit - The Collective Black Dahlia Murder- Ritual
  19. rogrotten


    dude if someone steals that guitar at the anaheim stop of the summer slaughter........ it wasn't me......:evil:
  20. rogrotten

    Brand new Fleshgod Apocalypse song "The Violation"

    NICEEEEEE, can't wait to see them at the Summer Slaughter!!!