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  1. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    For some reason the original pics don't appear. Here is the mockup
  2. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    A few new photos. Bear in mind the finish is not complete
  3. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    Hijack all you want. It is great to see people having such positive experiences with a luthier.
  4. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    Finish should be going on over the next few weeks, will post pics ASAP.
  5. Maniacal

    Best way to play fast "three note per string over two strings" patterns?

    One of the main reasons not to anchor would be for the purposes of muting. If you anchor on the E and B strings, it is unlikely you will do an accurate job of: muting the G while playing on the B string muting the B while playing on the E string at the same time as: keeping the B string quiet...
  6. Maniacal

    Alternate picking technique is killing me.

    Good points made so far. Make sure you are comfortable holding the pick and the guitar. Before you play anything you should be relaxed - no tension in the shoulders, neck, forearms, hands etc Gripping the pick is probably the biggest factor I have come across that will restrict speed and make...
  7. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    ^ Excellent. Are you getting your own Waghorn made?
  8. Maniacal

    UK luthier recommendations

    Already mentioned on here but I too can't recommend Waghorn enough. My guitar will be ready in several weeks and is looking to be an amazing instrument. The contact has been exceptional and Tom is clearly a very passionate luthier. The prices of his guitars also blow my mind, incredible value.
  9. Maniacal

    Any Blackmachine experts out there? Craigslist find.

    very fake, don't waste your money
  10. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    Yeah it looks like a penguin wearing a crown... which I've heard improves alternate picking speed by 15%.
  11. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    Which Waghorn model do you have? Feel free to post a pic!
  12. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    More updates from Tom Waghorn:
  13. Maniacal

    Really efficient 15 min practice routine?

    I have 5 minute play along technique workouts on my youtube: Here is the first one:
  14. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    Update - Fingerboard is on...
  15. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    Me too. As well as the obvious tone benefits, the guitar feels extremely light!
  16. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    I went to see the guitar on Sunday, can't wait for it to be complete! :shred: Tom was good enough to send me some new photos too: