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  1. Maniacal

    Picking hand

    Thanks guys. Just looked at Pure Evil, should be a good picking workout!
  2. Maniacal

    Picking hand

    Quick question for you Iced Earth fans.. What is their hardest song to play on guitar?
  3. Maniacal

    Guitar Pro exercises

    I say Guitar Pro workouts on my website. Very cheap for the massive amount of time, effort and content.
  4. Maniacal

    Sweep Picking Approach

    Nonsense There are some arpeggio shapes - particularly major and minor inversions that are almost impossible without barring
  5. Maniacal

    Waghorn Sauria S6 - Jonatan Strange

    As always, Tom has been very reliable with his updates. Here are the latest photos.
  6. Maniacal

    Anyone here bench, lift weights, etc?

    Just setup my own PT gym. I am now 100% self employed - teaching instruments and training people at home.
  7. Maniacal

    Riff Training books now available for download

    You must work a very long shift.
  8. Maniacal

    Riff Training books now available for download

    Hey all, I have finally decided to sell my books as PDFs. I just added them to my websites store page: Store | The PDF price is quite a bit cheaper than the hardcopy so I am hoping this will convince more people to try my products. Cheers! :shred:
  9. Maniacal

    NGD! Waghorn Corax 6

    ^ Correct
  10. Maniacal

    Siggery guitars

    Please do a thread on your Waghorn. Would be very nice to see it!
  11. Maniacal

    60-Day Sweep Picking Challenge.[Video Soon]

    You might find your concentration will begin to diminish after a while. I practised alternate picking for 3/4 hours a day in the past but I kept it interesting by doing lots of different aspects of the technique. Spend time working on: right hand only (sweep picking motion with different...
  12. Maniacal

    Siggery guitars

    Tom Waghorn has been extremely pleasant to deal with. Pay a bit more and go with someone who can actually build a high quality instrument.
  13. Maniacal

    Opinions on Anthony Stauffer/StevieSnacks and Derry Gabel DVDs?

    No it doesn't. But it does have a lot of very similar exercises on there. Cool Legato Phrases and Chordal Mysteries revealed would be a good start. Chordal Mysteries is a huge undertaking and requires a lot of work.
  14. Maniacal

    Instant Guitar Licks 01 - Slide & Tapping On The Same Note

    I am guessing you didn't get any responses because you are an unknown here? Very good lesson. Certainly a lot better than 90% of the instructional stuff that gets posted here. Keep it coming!
  15. Maniacal

    What is your preferred type of picking for speed?

    Today I am going to record the 20 minute beginner picking workout from my site. I actually wanted to do a DVD play along, but since I seldom sell anything I decided not to bother. For now you can use my YouTube play alongs, like this one:
  16. Maniacal

    What is your preferred type of picking for speed?

    Do you have my books too? If you do, make sure you go through the picking speed and endurance workouts. I am a firm believer that your picking technique should remain the same no matter what speed you are playing. With the exception of bending and vibrato notes which would be heavily accented.
  17. Maniacal

    Wrist pain in fretting hand

    Have you tried using your middle finger instead of the ring finger?