Search results

  1. Maniacal

    Free Guitar Light Lesson!

    I see. Sounds like it may be time to return to those DVDs and understand the theory too. It isn't vital to know theory, but it certainly helps with teaching.
  2. Maniacal

    Free Guitar Light Lesson!

    I find it quite amazing that you have learnt 3NPS pentatonic shapes etc all by chance? Did you work this just out by ear? Seems very weird to me that you are playing these ideas but you have no idea what they are. I'm not having a go at you, I'm just curious.
  3. Maniacal

    Free Guitar Light Lesson!

    Not a bad lesson. Might help if you knew the theory with regards to what you are playing. First thing you play is a D major 9 313 arpeggio then you switch to 3nps B minor pentatonics (from the 12th fret B) and then I stopped watching. Not sure an intermediate or advanced player would need...
  4. Maniacal

    Thoughts on the Music Man Majesty?

    Decided to go for a custom Waghorn in the end. Will have a massive cutaway so I'm happy.
  5. Maniacal

    Flight of the Bumblebee play alongs

    Yeah I noticed that. Should still be okay to learn from though
  6. Maniacal

    Flight of the Bumblebee play alongs

    Hey, I have approximately 20 FOTB guitar workouts that I am currently recording. These workouts start off by isolating the majority of the sections of the piece at a slow pace and gradually increase in difficulty. Starting tempo is 80bpm but the workout will eventually the entire...
  7. Maniacal

    New Rings of Saturn

    Would love to see this band live. Comedy slop fest.
  8. Maniacal

    Siggery guitars

    I recently sold my Siggery and today I put down my deposit for a Waghorn. Incredible looking guitars and so far the support has been extremely honest and professional. How it should be.
  9. Maniacal

    Pain in right arm when picking

    Stop playing with crap technique and spend less time with the guitar. If you have a serious injury you need to treat it as such, guitar playing is likely to only exacerbate the issue. If you do manage to continue playing, focus on a totally relaxed technique at slow, controlled tempos. You...
  10. Maniacal

    Good picking technique: pointers for a good foundation?

    Relaxed grip No tension in the arm, shoulder and neck Practice small movements not just on a single string, but when crossing strings Avoid dipping into the string unless you want to accent/end a phase with a bend/vibrato Focus on playing for long periods of time at a slower tempo - this will...
  11. Maniacal

    What guitarist has your favorite vibrato?

    I like Doug Steele and the guy from Steel Panther. 80s over the top vibrato all the way!
  12. Maniacal

    Thoughts on the Music Man Majesty?

    Looks really aren't important to me. All I want right now is the perfect studio guitar that plays really easily, sounds great, stays in tune and has high fret access. Maybe I am being too fussy, but I am yet to find a guitar that does all of that.
  13. Maniacal

    Recommend me some picks

    It gives me an okay grip, but it requires me to apply too much force just to hold the pick in place. During my years of obsessive picking efficiency I realised that even the smallest amount of tension when holding the pick would result in fatigue and less speed. Being relaxed is also...
  14. Maniacal

    Recommend me some picks

    Holy shit dude! $400 is a little over the top. I had a similar pick dilemma a few years ago and spent ages trying to find a pick that I could use for every style of music, would allow me to play dynamically and sounded good. Not an easy task. I tried Red Bear, Winspear, Gravity, V-Picks as...
  15. Maniacal

    Thoughts on the Music Man Majesty?

    Thanks for the feedback! I have been totally put off the guitar now... the search continues! Really not sure what to get, I have yet to play a guitar that is just perfect in terms of playability. Perhaps I will look into getting a Strandberg, after a 3 year wait.
  16. Maniacal

    Thoughts on the Music Man Majesty?

    I have been looking at those actually. Right now it is a choice between a Majesty, Parker Fly or some kind of custom. Which Parker Fly do you recommend? I don't really know anything about them.
  17. Maniacal

    Recommend me some picks

    Big Stubby 3mm. Best all round pick I have tried. They are also very easy to drill for extra grip and a more relaxed hand.
  18. Maniacal

    Thoughts on the Music Man Majesty?

    Do any of you own a Majesty? If so, what do you think of it? I am looking for a guitar with great high fret access and so far this seems to offer the most. Is it worth the £2400+ price tag?
  19. Maniacal

    The Car Thread

    Just got back from the gym... had my second complaint about the noise of my car. The manager of the premises even mentioned banning me for dangerous driving, despite doing 15 mph tops. That is one of the problems with the Impreza. I have also had someone let me tyres down, jealous bastards. I...