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  1. M

    Ionizers in RG7421PB

    I thought about blocking the trem, but I was in the market for a hardtail 7 for a while now anyway, so I'll go back to my original plan of crunchlab and liquifire for the 1527. When I mounted them in, they were sticking out pretty far. The neck pickup was about 2mm over the edge of the...
  2. M

    Ionizers in RG7421PB

    Hi Folks, I recently bought Ionizer 7s to revive my 9 year old RG1527, which I had to route to accommodate. I can't get that thing to get close to being in tune in Drop G with 10-64 gauge strings thanks to floating trem. Anyway, I am interested in getting an Ibanez RG7421PB (sapphire!) which...
  3. M

    Ionizers in RG7421PB
