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  1. MA77

    Can anyone tell me what Ibanez this is and can give some information about it?

    In the wiki it says.. "The RG7620 and RG7621 were discontinued after 2002. In 2003, similar models were introduced as the RG1527 and RG15271 as part of the expanded Prestige series."
  2. MA77

    Schecter C7 ATX vs Agile Septor Pro Custom

    I'm wondering what people think about these two head to head. First off the Agile custom would only cost me around $700 (or $550 without binding, is the binding even necessary?), whereas the Schecter is around $850. The thing is most of the features are the same between the two as far as I can...
  3. MA77

    Fs Strictly 7+1 Zircote Feeler....

    man, looks great, wish i had the money! free bump
  4. MA77

    Custom 7 String for $1000?

    Well, I guess what I'm mainly looking for is 26.5 or 27 scale with an ebony fretboard (no inlays preferable). I have no need for a floyd. I can always buy the pickups seperately too. Any recommendations?
  5. MA77

    Custom 7 String for $1000?

    Ok thanks, I figured as much. Welp, looks like I've got some saving to do! I was looking at the Agile custom shop, but I assume that quality is similar to the 7321? Another thing I was looking at is the Schecter ATX C7, any thoughts on those?
  6. MA77

    Custom 7 String for $1000?

    Hi, I'm interesting in purchasing a new 7 string, as I just sold my 7321. I have pretty specific tastes, but only around $1000 to spend. I was wondering if maybe theres a shop I'm unaware of that'll make one for that price. I'd really love a Carvin but that 25.5 scale length is a killer.. as i...
  7. MA77

    Custom 7 String for $1000?
