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  1. M

    Cops Kill a Kid Holding a WiiMote

    They could've just as easily punched the kids hand if they suspected it was a gun, it probably would've been faster than pulling their own guns anyway.
  2. M

    Ukraine (sorry?)

    No love for the Ukraine here. Shit's going down. Bad. BBC News - Ukraine unrest: At least 21 protesters dead in clashes Then according to CNN aprox. 100 killed during riots today (thursday). Not sure how legit these numbers are though. Truce crumbles amid gunfire in Ukraine, protesters claim...
  3. M

    I was victim of the hampa

    If you live in an extremely corrupt country like Venezuela, simply learning to 'defend yourself' isn't going to help you avoid trouble, especially not if you have 2 guys pulling guns on you. Criminals in these types of societies often don't give much of a fcuk about anyone or anything. Resisting...
  4. M

    In your dreams

    Just because I posted in this thread I had a really shitty dream that made my morning suck. Karma...? :lol:
  5. M

    Extended Range Racism

    This might have been mentioned already, but too many pages to read: I get your analogy, but the way you phrase it makes you sound just as ignorant as those hating on ERG's :2c:
  6. M

    In your dreams

    My dreams are always weird. I haven't been dreaming a lot lately though, at least not remembering any of it. The strangest dream was (short version): Me sitting alone in the middle of a large theatre hall. Suddenly, a spotlight is turned on at the very center of the stage, revealing one of my...
  7. M

    I can think of a few certain individuals who need this.

    Stop ruining my life :lol:
  8. M

    Why are you mad right now?

    Because my car needs repairs after inspection today and won't be allowed on the road by march 14th if I don't get it fixed. .... this.
  9. M

    Climbing the Shanghai Tower - 650m

    ^ Yeah, a real youtube classic that one :lol:
  10. M

    Climbing the Shanghai Tower - 650m

    Biting my lip through this thing :lol:
  11. M

    SS Love and Relationships Thread

    I respect your opinion and your argument. I still think it's wrong to force a name on somebody. Of course a kid is not gonna have a say in any of this, but when he/she grows old it's their own choice imo. My parents don't share last names even though they're married, me and my siblings all...
  12. M

    The Great Language Game

    My strategy with the slavic examples is to think about where they are geographically, I try finding similarities to other countries in that aproximate location. Not a foolproof strategy, but it can be helpful. Sometimes it's just about knowing the small things. Romanian I could pinpoint easily...
  13. M

    SS Love and Relationships Thread

    You make it sound like nobody has ever thought of it before. Oh world, you so silly.. :lol:
  14. M

    SS Love and Relationships Thread

    I know it's sort of tradition, but I think it's a really stupid tradition. My kid is gonna have the name that sounds best with his/her name, or the cooler of the two. Hell, if I like my future partners last name I'm totally changing to that.
  15. M

    SS Love and Relationships Thread

    ^ What? Is there some kind of law that you must take the man's name after a wedding?
  16. M

    The Great Language Game

    Got 550 on my first try. Got 2 in a row that were Norweigan though, so I guess you could say I got 450 :lol: It's fun when your own language comes up, language is weird and fascinating.
  17. M

    Help me get Troy Sanders hair!

    Just look at your face and headshape and then head to google and see if you find anything you like. Or go to a good barber and let him do his thing.
  18. M

    Help me get Troy Sanders hair!

    ^ Which is why you tie it in a knot and not a ponytail. I'd still have all those annoyances over my straight hair ;)