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  1. leipzig175

    Movies That Suck and Why

    The worst movie I've ever seen is Expelled:No Intelligence Allowed. It made me want to find Ben Stein and kill him with fire. For those who haven't seen it, it's a movie that states the scientific community has a conspiracy against intelligent design, and that ID is a sound scientific theory...
  2. leipzig175

    Westboro Church to Picket Dio Memorial

    The biker group that counters the WBC is called the Patriot Guard. They came to the town I live and revved their engines so no one could hear anything the WBC was shouting.
  3. leipzig175

    Z day quiz

    B,C,D,F...Z+ EDIT:I have a question for those really into zombies on here. Since they are basically corpses, don't they still rot? Wouldn't a zombie therefore have a very short "life"span? Just curious.
  4. leipzig175

    Using bass strings on guitar

    i once got a .065 D'Addario bass string for a low B when I was experimenting with thick strings, and it sounded great.
  5. leipzig175

    It's been almost a year since my last guitar got stolen...

    Don't know if anyone remembers that. I don't have it back, and I wonder if anyone's seen it, so here's some pics... So, has anyone seen it?
  6. leipzig175

    Official Map

    Added. Second Tennessee person.
  7. leipzig175

    Photo-realistic virtual guitar builder

    My first mockups.
  8. leipzig175

    Is anyone ambidextrous?

    Ever seen Michael Angelo Batio play? He's reportedly ambidextrous, and he can switch between left and right handed guitars.
  9. leipzig175

    New Burzum record officially due next year

    I'm definitely getting this album. I could care less about his beliefs, unless his music itself was racist, which it's not.
  10. leipzig175

    Does anyone actually use 56k anymore?

    I get access to high-speed almost never, so usually I have to use AOL dial-up that connects below 28K. Yeah, it sucks.
  11. leipzig175

    8 string build questions.

    I found out Danelectro made poplar necks in the 50's, but that's about it. I think I'll play it safe and buy a curly maple neck blank. And order a book, lol. Thanks guys. When I get started I'll post a thread, but don't hold your breath.
  12. leipzig175

    8 string build questions.

    The poplar was free, but if can't be used, I can get some different wood I suppose. Can't find much on poplar necks anyhow, so maybe that part isn't a good idea. I could get some oak as well.
  13. leipzig175

    8 string build questions.

    According to the calculations I could do, it's about 72.8 millimeters. Based on that, I made a printout of what the neck will be like. I'll put that on some cardboard and draw a body.
  14. leipzig175

    8 string build questions.

    Thanks for the tips. The website is really cool. I'm pretty sure I'll use this 8 string Hipshot bridge. Products > Store > Hipshot Products
  15. leipzig175

    8 string build questions.

    I want to start on an 8 string made out of poplar. I have all the wood, but I have some questions, such as: -What type of headstock would be easiest to make, and could you explain how to make it, or at least some tips? -What type of trussrod would be best? -What would be the measurement of the...
  16. leipzig175

    Troy's New Build (Inspiration Returns)

    Seriously, where the fuck did you order that neck from? I must have one. Great sounding guitar by the way.
  17. leipzig175

    Douglas SR-370 review

    I got this guitar several weeks ago(in black) and I am in love with it. Of all the guitars I've owned(all $375 and under), this is certainly the best. And for the price, and only $60 more dollars for a hard case, this is a guitar that anyone who wants their first or second seven string should...
  18. leipzig175

    Stolen: Triple Rec, Carvin 727 etc

    I think you have to actually scan it to identify the number... As for the robbery, that sucks and I know how you feel. My guitar is also pretty unique, and I really hope it turns up someday, but it seems the detectives have given up.
  19. leipzig175

    How is Scientology recognized as a religious establishment

    Operation Clambake presents: Looking over my shoulder, The Inside Account of the Story That Almost Killed Me
  20. leipzig175

    Had to put my ferret to sleep today

    My condolences...I had a dog die recently, but we didn't even have the time to put him down. He just died on the porch. Sorry for your loss.