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  1. L

    Songs you just can't play loud enough

    "Hole in the Sky", "Supernaut", "Heaven and Hell", and "Zero the Hero" - all by various incarnations of Black Sabbath. Yeah, I'm a big fan. :hbang:
  2. L

    Novembers Doom?

    Been a big fan of theirs for a while now. The new stuff is still good, but nothing beats "The Knowing" for me. I love "In Memories Past" and "Aura Blue". Awesome stuff.
  3. L

    Anyone Here Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery?

    I've been diagnosed with it in both hands. Like a few others have mentioned, I had to take a break from playing to help heal up. Same with weight lifting. The single biggest help for me was wearing the wrist splints while sleeping. Now, I don't have to worry about what angle my arms are...