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  1. D

    Some of my old stuff

    i know this is late and you have probably forgot what the question was but.... i'm using a digitech rp50 (cheapest thing in the world) for the tone through a 10 watt bass amp. i like to experiment and push shit equipment to get a new sound
  2. D

    Why not .008 gauge for 7 strings?

    i've never bought a seven string set for mine, i always made my own. its impossiable to find anything above 0.56. i did manage to find a good site and finally got my fave gauges E 0.80 B 0.68 E 0.56 A 0.44 D 0.26 F#0.18 B 0.14 try Guitar strings, Bass Strings & Accessories
  3. D

    New stuff from my band (again...)

    love the tone of the guitars... what tuning are they in?:hbang:
  4. D

    U.S. Army to be used against U.S. Citizens

    to be honest this isn't shocking, this stuff is happening all the time, all over the world. a small upset in america and people are going mad
  5. D

    Acoutic string?

    try online. if you look they go all the way up to 0.80
  6. D

    Hello everybody. i'm and the such

    hi eveyone just thought i would finally start using forums for the first time and stumbled on this fine site. i live in the uk in a place called stoke-on-trent where i teach guitar and play with my band diagnosis doom. i have been playing guitar for 8 years and seven string for 7 years of...
  7. D

    Lolwut? (possibly NWS)

    i want a wonder boner
  8. D

    Some of my old stuff

    hi everyone i'm new to this whole forum stuff so bare with me if i'm not all there. i thought i would put some of my old stuff i did on youtube, so please give it a listen. also it takes about two minutes to fully kick in so please stick with it
  9. D

    Psst Iechine Stuff

    i spotted you some time back on youtube. love the sound
  10. D

    What do you guys do to stay motivated? What do you practice?

    i stop playing for a week, come up with some musical ideas from what goes on around me. after that i listen to lots of different kinds of music. another one i do is avoid playing other peoples music but thats not for everyone as far as practice goes i find too much playing can take the fun out.
  11. D

    Weird tunings

    i have ebeadf#b. its basically baritone with a bass e. i have to use double gauge strings though