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  1. 7

    Convince me!

    thank you very much for the input...sorry if i came if i were pissed off at anyone on the forum :cool: bad day today anyway..thanks again
  2. 7

    Convince me!

    absolutely understood but whats with the "The pros of Seven Strings is...THEYRE FRICKIN AWESOME!!" im looking for legitamite reasons to shell out the cash for a Seven string am i in the wrong place? i highly doubt it.
  3. 7

    Convince me!

    im at my forums names are the first thign that pops into my me think for a moment what am i thinking about at this forum...yes thats right...NOT the number 7.
  4. 7

    Convince me!

    i guess i overestimated the step into this being ripped apart by arrogance? :fawk: w/e i thought maybe i could hear both sides of the story from one sdie...but i guess all there is here is "Seven string or fuck off"
  5. 7

    Molten Gemstone JP7 pics

    GOOD GOD!! :eek:
  6. 7

    Convince me!

    Hello, My name is Derek. 6 Stringer Slinger for about 5 years now and i was thinking about, soon, picking up a Carvin 7 String. keep in mind this isnt a "Which should i buy" thread...more of a Should i bump myself up to 7 string status? please include (your opinion) Pros and Cons of 7...