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  1. henrebotha

    For multi-scale guitars, how do angled bridges compare to individual string bridges?

    That's really interesting. So to clarify, say only the lowest string is grounded, and I'm touching that but not the other strings. I'll still get buzz?
  2. henrebotha

    For multi-scale guitars, how do angled bridges compare to individual string bridges?

    I'm planning a multi-scale 7-string build. I'm trying to figure out what kind of bridge I want. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of angled bridges (such as the Hipshot 7-string multi-scale bridge) vs individual string bridges (such as Hipshot Solo)?
  3. henrebotha

    Seriously, is there any music that sounds like

    Listened to the Meshuggah song... Too straightforward, not melodic enough, and damn it people, lern2harmony! :lol: Nah, I do not dig too much, needs moar of teh awkward harmonies and more of teh intricate 16th-note riddems.
  4. henrebotha

    Seriously, is there any music that sounds like

    I can't remember, some or other forum online but it was probably a shitty one tbh. I'm going to make a mission of finding some Meshuggah to listen to. I've heard New Millennium Cyanide Christ and thought it was decent, if not something I'd listen to on a frequent basis. bulb, on the other...
  5. henrebotha

    Seriously, is there any music that sounds like

    Cool schtuff. I am getting some SikTh from a friend this week (have been looking for them anyway but have only a vague idea what they sound like). TesseracT sound much the same and I just wish I could find their music somewhere. hahaha kirkpetrucci I'm listening to Mean Aliens now, it's like...
  6. henrebotha

    Seriously, is there any music that sounds like

    bulb? I seriously fucking dig his music so much but every band I've heard mentioned alongside him and his Periphery buddies (Nevermore and, I dunno, Mercenary and some other stuff I can't remember because it was so boring) comes nowhere close, especially in terms of the...
  7. henrebotha

    New Isis Album "Wavering Radiant"

    You hit the nail on the head there. When a single artist can so leap between genres on different albums or songs, it's certainly a tall order to expect everyone to agree on a single genre label to encompass all of an artist's music - especially when you get down to the deeper levels of it (as in...
  8. henrebotha

    New Isis Album "Wavering Radiant"

    Genre is merely a descriptive tool. That is all. How do you expect music journalists to write about music without the use of genres? Sure, you could describe (for instance) Isis's sound to an extent; but how would you communicate that they have a more doom-sounding distortion than a...
  9. henrebotha

    New Isis Album "Wavering Radiant"

    Wait, am I the only one who thinks In The Absence Of Truth is better than the other two?
  10. henrebotha

    New Isis Album "Wavering Radiant"

    :O This is going to be epic.
  11. henrebotha

    Schaller locking tuner/Strat compatibility

    I want to fit my Mexi Strat with Schaller (bottom-)locking tuners. However, what I can't figure out is whether or not I need to get the "Mini" version. Is this absolutely necessary or will the bigger ones fit too? in b4 LOL A STRAT THRED IN A METUL FORUM EDIT: And the other question: Will I...
  12. henrebotha

    Dissonant chords?

    Bartok big on that stuff? I've never really given him a listen.
  13. henrebotha

    Dissonant chords?

    This thread has actually managed to kick-start my inspiration muscle... NEED MOAR The difficult thing for me is that I tend to approach diatonic chord progressions from a four-part harmony perspective because that's where my theory knowledge is rooted; but I have no idea how to harmonically...
  14. henrebotha

    Un-metal un-7er here

    Thanks guys, y'all make a guy feel so welcome. As opposed to most forums.
  15. henrebotha

    Schaller Locking Tuners

    I assume that's what the "L" stands for, but I actually mean to refer to the "P." and "I." bits.
  16. henrebotha

    Schaller Locking Tuners

    Could someone explain to me the difference between these two models? Schaller Electronic | M6 P.-Locking Schaller Electronic | M6L I.-Locking