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  1. behemoth

    NEW RG 1527 VS OLD UV7BK

    NOw it works.
  2. behemoth

    List your top five 7-Strings.

    I like the UV7BK, but must be like new.
  3. behemoth

    Where should I purchase My C-7 Blackjack From?

    I bought in drumcity guiatrland. The shipping isn´t free, but they will set it up to your specs and include some free goodies. P.D: I´ll say don´t buy a Schecter if you don´t like thick necks. :squint:
  4. behemoth

    Schecter C7 +

    I don´t like the Schecters, the neck is very Thick, and I like Ibanez stile necks. Its a personal choice, a lot of people like other specs. Not me.
  5. behemoth

    Used RG7421 vs. Agile Septor

    I hope it will be a good choice. The agiles look :hbang: - BUt here in Europe they don´t shipp any guitars:spock:
  6. behemoth

    KXK V7: It's done! (Big Pics)

    That lokks COOL, but waht about the sound, we need a review. Thank you.
  7. behemoth

    NEW RG 1527 VS OLD UV7BK

    And the 1527 is this one. - THa same trick, put hhttp: in front of the URL. Thanks
  8. behemoth

    NEW RG 1527 VS OLD UV7BK

    Sorry, the link doesn´t work, because i need 15 posts to post links of other sites. I´ll try something like this. You only have to put http: in front of it. Soory, but...
  9. behemoth

    HI! NON NATO 7 stringer

    Hello! MY name is XABAT. I don´t "speak" english very well. I´m from Old Europe! I´m new in this forum, and in 7 strings too. I owned a 7 string Schecter balckjack C7, but I didn´t like its neck, and I MUST sell it:noway: . Now I´m looking for an ibanez 7 string (because the neck). I...
  10. behemoth

    NEW RG 1527 VS OLD UV7BK

    HI! First of all, hello, I´m new. SEcondly, sorry my porr english, Isn´t my first language. Third: I have the oportunity to buy an Ibanez RG 1527 (like new), for something about 700 € (w/Dimarzio custom blaze and air norton 7 Pus). another chance is about 800 euros an UV 7 BK, that...