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  1. B

    Chug chug chug

    Yep that's what it is :)
  2. B

    Finally have a tone worth showing

    Parkway drive...Deep blue :)
  3. B

    Peavey 6505+ With ENGL 4x12 - Metal

    Sounds like a 6505+ :) Nice :yesway: , I take that back
  4. B

    PAF 8 mix test

  5. B

    Fukn EPIC (if you like the song miasma...)

    it's sounding pretty good but as that other guy said it doesn't sound punchy enough, and sounds a bit too roomy.
  6. B

    How can i improve my mix?

    that sounds mixed really well imo
  7. B

    Chug chug chug

    drop B :yesway:
  8. B

    Chug chug chug

    :'D........ ---------- by Borges80 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  9. B

    Mic'd test

    Peavey 6505+ Schecter C1 artist edition
  10. B

    Yet another revalver question (im hopeless)

    i'll never ever do digital again after using the pod
  11. B

    Mic'd test

    If I record my amp on 3-5 gain there's basically no low end thump in the tone from palm mutes, etc at all as an example. It sounds really dry and sounds like something is missing. On 6 gain if I palm mute notes there's much more *thump* and fuller sound than low gain.. You're right more gain...
  12. B

    Mic'd test

    triple tracking usually isn't worth it I've tried panning L R and one in the center and it's not that much of a difference..just a volume increase. The work involved to triple track isn't worth the quality that's pretty much identical to double tracking.
  13. B

    Mic'd test

    Also what was your gain at? Sounded pretty low.
  14. B

    Rokit 5" or 6"?

    I have 5's and I love them
  15. B

    Mic'd test

    Which amp did you use? If you want a fatter sound use more gain. IMO I think it would sound better if the mic was facing towards the center of the dust cap more, but then again it's all preference.
  16. B

    My first complete 6505+ mix

    Just a crappy super OD SD-1 I think it's like 20-40$. It does the job though lol. I boosted the lead channel i can never get anything good out of the rhythm. I just use the rhythm channel for cleans with a switch pedal that's all it's really good for, unless you're playing a different genre. For...
  17. B

    My first complete 6505+ mix

    Yeah i'm kind of sick of this song i think i'll just improve my next one lol. I'll always have to use POD bass though :(
  18. B

    My first complete 6505+ mix

    Haha yeah I think I pushed the drums a little too much..I do my best to obtain the highest vol possible might need slight adjusting. Oh and nothing is compressed unless it's auto compressed in reaper
  19. B

    My first complete 6505+ mix

    Yep no problem dude. I bought a Pod x3 for guitar recording a while back it satisfied me until I noticed there was a whole lot missing, and yeah too digital. Nothing sounds better than a real mic'd amp, although that axe fx is pretty sick. Just wish I could get my hands on a condenser mic for...
  20. B

    My first complete 6505+ mix

    Ah. Should throw down a recording..and the bass i'm using is from the's not the best as in authentic but it's there.