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  1. bigreddestroyer

    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    Hey Guys Sacrilegious Throne UK based Blackened Death Metal
  2. bigreddestroyer

    The "Crap, I'm in the weird part of YouTube again" thread Found this the other day, haven't laughed so hard in a long time!
  3. bigreddestroyer

    Where do you sell your stuff...

    Not drugs related so don't worry Mods :lol: I'm moving house in a few months and need to downsize everything I own, so where do you guys find the best places to sell all your unused stuff. I got shed loads of vidya games, butt load of dvds, books, a few guitar bits but not loads and some...
  4. bigreddestroyer


    Ok, slightly misleading title as I'm not actually going anywhere!:fawk: However, having been handed the metaphorical keys to our bands online promotional schtick, I'll be back under a new username shortly. I want to ask you guys about your experiences with online promotion for your bands. I'm...
  5. bigreddestroyer

    SS Love and Relationships Thread

    Been with my girlfriend almost 8 years. Rent a flat together, she suffers from depression/anxiety and I don't think I can cope anymore, but I can't say anything to her because she's getting better and I don't want to make her any worse. Nearly cheated on her twice and haven't so far because i...
  6. bigreddestroyer

    Double ball Strings?

    Good news everybody! In March I get my end of year bonus from work and its looking up to be about £600 if not more. So I'm feeling a NBD coming along! I'm tempted by the Steinberger basses, was wondering if anyone had any experience as all the reviews seem fairly positive about them. Also...
  7. bigreddestroyer

    Soul Calibur V

    No no no no NO! It looks to me like they've put in the game Street Fighter-esque Super moves and (most likely) hyper combos... WHY?!?!?!
  8. bigreddestroyer

    Do you love your job? What do you do?

    I work in retail. Sucks balls man.
  9. bigreddestroyer

    How did you find ...?

    I'd love to try the local community but the only place that actually put originals bands on has just closed down, so there basically is no local community any more :( Oh, and the 2 drummers aren't for the same band, they just seem to rare as unicorn piss round these parts...
  10. bigreddestroyer

    How did you find ...?

    All 3 bands that I play in are currently caught chort in the lineup department (lacking 2 drummers and keys). Where does everyone go when they are hunting out new musicians?
  11. bigreddestroyer

    Rocksmith - Guitar Hero for guitarists?

    Any one else notice that they were turning the wrong tuning peg for the strings that were playing... Or am I being overly pedantic again...
  12. bigreddestroyer

    The Pet Peeves/OCD/Little Annoyances Thread

    Yeah thats the one! My bad. I haven't seen the film in ages. Gonna go dig it out right now.:lol:
  13. bigreddestroyer

    The Pet Peeves/OCD/Little Annoyances Thread

    There's only one way to reply to that. Answer their sentence as you would normally then add "...and my name's not Shirley." on the end. RIP Leslie Nielson:deathm:
  14. bigreddestroyer

    Soul Calibur V

    I really hope this has an awesome story mode and shed loads of stuff to do like the newest Mortal Kombat. SC4 had awesome fighting, but not a lot else going for it.
  15. bigreddestroyer

    Your room is now classier

    This actually just made my day! I'm playing The Sabotuer (a WW2 stealth game where your main weapon is muthatrucking dynamite!!) and it fits just perfectly whilst walking around the streets of Paris, dealing out rough justice to the Nazi's!
  16. bigreddestroyer

    Justin Bieber + Slipknot - Psychosocial Baby

    Sometimes, I really hate what you guys find on the internet...other times its things like this....
  17. bigreddestroyer

    Good cheap bass heads...

    No idea about the speakers, as I mentioned, I'm new to all this head/cabs business! Is it easy/dangerous at all doing any re-wiring?
  18. bigreddestroyer

    Good cheap bass heads...

    Its a JCM800 1935 bass cab, only info I can find says its 260w@16ohms Is this bad?
  19. bigreddestroyer

    Good cheap bass heads...

    Well, I think I'm gonna go with the Behringer... Money being the main issue at the moment this one sounds like the most bang for the buck. Slight issue I have is that the cab I'm getting is 16ohm, so the behringer being 450@4ohms is gonna lose a lot of power right?
  20. bigreddestroyer

    Good cheap bass heads...

    Wow, thanks for all the replies everyone, definately a few options there for me to look into! This is gonna be a particularly noob-ish question, but as I only ever worked with combo amps before, what do I need to know regarding impedence and wattages between heads and cabs?

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