Search results

  1. Ignoramus

    FGN Guitars (Fujigen)

    I stumbled into purchasing an FGN Mythic used last December. Amazing guitar, so much so that I've been on regular hunt for another one, or perhaps one of their Dark Evolution models. Not my pic but mine looks identical. Their bridge with 2 ways to string the guitar is a very cool feature. Got...
  2. Ignoramus

    Schecter Masterworks experience/results

    HNGD. As much as I like the blingy PRS tops, this subdued finish totally works. Are those Tom Anderson pickups?
  3. Ignoramus

    NGD: RRR Custom (MX-250 Type)

    HNGD OP. Amusing to see so many former ESP forum dudes here. Rob had a very good standing there, and this guitar is no exception to his luthier chops.
  4. Ignoramus

    Favourite Small/Underrated Pickup Brands

    I've had several sets of BG and Manlius pickups. Both good winders. Prefer their higher gain humbuckers.
  5. Ignoramus

    Guitar inbound! PRS McCarthy, now what pups for metal?

    I have a McCarty, and tried to like the McCarty pickups. I didn't.... What really changed the entire guitar and made it a keeper was to drop BK Nailbombs in it. And then, Booyah! Full disclosure -- have several PRS guitars, never really liked their pickups, and the only one that's been...
  6. Ignoramus

    New Balaguer Model Diablo

    I can chime in, FWIW. I bought an essentially-new Hyperion Deluxe for a very reasonable price in 2018. Not a custom or semi-custom -- just a production model. The craftsmanship and attention to detail were extremely good. Their branded Feral pickups were well matched for the chambered...
  7. Ignoramus

    Reccomend me a boutique guitar

    I recently picked up an FGN Mythic which checks all my boxes and apparently yours as well. Mine was used so I got it for well under $1K. Worth a look.
  8. Ignoramus

    Harley Benton SC 550 Black Cherry Flame Unboxing Full Review & Sound Demo!

    The Rammstein-esque riffing was awesome! No idea what the last one is, besides perhaps yours. (I got a HB Agufish earlier this year and it's amazing value for the money.)
  9. Ignoramus

    Schecter Owners/Fans Step Inside

    I picked up a C-1 Platinum late last year. Mine is Korean-made fwiw. As far as a mod, I moved the 85 to the bridge and got a used 60 for the neck. Such a great player and now with the tone I wanted. I'm actually hooked on the latest iteration of the Blackjack Solo II singlecut. The specs...
  10. Ignoramus

    Any Schecter SLS Elite Owners/Players?

    Well, it's been a week or so. Any decisions made on which one(s) you're keeping?
  11. Ignoramus

    Any Schecter SLS Elite Owners/Players?

    I've been looking at the SLS for most of this year. The specs and pickups are what are most alluring. So I'm curious as to how you like it. Have to ask -- you can have 3 guitars shipped to another GC and it only costs you $6 each? Did I misunderstand?
  12. Ignoramus

    NGD: Solar Guitars AB1.6HTPB

    I have a weakness for H-S superstrats, and this one is NICE!
  13. Ignoramus

    Thinking of selling PRS SE Holcomb and Upgrading, need advice

    My opinion, since you're asking. I have several core PRS guitars and also an SE Holcomb. Bought it because of the 25.5 scale, the maple neck, the satin finish (macassar ebony run), and the pickups. Oh, and the cost as well. There's that. I, like others, read about the bad nut issue, and...
  14. Ignoramus

    Gibson RD style guitars

    I have a Hyperion. Bought it because I was after the RD shape. Lucky enough to find one used at a great price, since few know how good they are. Interested in the RD shape because of Ghost. Didn't want another Gibson. Balaguer's specs on the Hyperion sold me. Top notch construction...
  15. Ignoramus

    NGD. PRS Mark Holcomb SE

    HNGD! I have one of the macassar ebony finishes, and can also attest to how great this guitar is. It is, literally, my only guitar that is completely stock, and I don't expect that will change. What really surprised me were how great the SD pickups were. I haven't had good luck with many of...
  16. Ignoramus

    NGD Gibson Explorer - My first American guitar

    I have 2 explorers, and can understand the 'dead wood' issue. I resolved it on both of mine by swapping pickups (well, quite a few sets of pickups), and now they're both sublime.
  17. Ignoramus

    NGD Gibson Explorer - My first American guitar

    HNGD. Yeah, the '16 Explorer came with the uncovered 496/500 set as I'm to understand. Have you looked at the pickups to see what they are?
  18. Ignoramus

    NGD: ESP Horizon Custom

    Well worth the wait to finally see the pics. Noice!!
  19. Ignoramus

    NGD: ESP Horizon Custom

    Me neither.... Tried 3 diff browsers too.
  20. Ignoramus

    Gibson explorer 76' with ebony fretboard?

    When I got my classic white '76 explorer, it was the only color that had an ebony board, and for a bit more than the other colors with rosewood. To my knowledge, only the classic white ones had ebony.