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  1. N

    Girlfriend got me a DragonFly BM-1 Black metal.

    Aw man. I thought this thread was going to be about the Valnott:
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    Head/cab ideas for some evil stoner/doom bastard noise?

    I know the chances of you seeking and actually picking up an Electric Amp head are minimal at best but I'm going to just post a couple links to clips of them just so you can get an idea. They have tonnns of low-end. When I recorded video of mine, it was hard to keep the camera still because the...
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    Head/cab ideas for some evil stoner/doom bastard noise?

    Holy jesus H frickin spreadable christ on a cracker... that sounds awesome.
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    Head/cab ideas for some evil stoner/doom bastard noise?

    Well, the way I've read it from Matamp's and Electric's sites is that Matamp was started in the late 50s (I think) by Mat Mathias. A music store named Orange set up a contract with Mat to build Matamp/Orange amps for them in the 60s. Once that contract ran out, Orange took the designs and...
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    Blackmore User Looking To Switch To E530 (Another College Amp Thread)

    Just an FYI, here is a clip (not mine) recorded of the built in 1.5W poweramp direct into a cab, mic'd: - the guitar gear mp3 database Also FYI, the direct headphone out sounds like crap, in my opinion. It works to be able to hear what you're playing but it's too raw and harsh...
  6. N

    What tubes for the Engl E530?

    Bah MY E530 sounds good but only when recorded and after I've applied a heavy-duty cut on the high frequencies because holy CRAP does this thing have some serious issues with high frequency icepick highs. I currently have the treble knob (which is more like a "screechy fizz" knob) almost all the...
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    Sleep tone.

    It's going to be rough finding the later Sleep sound on a budget. Early stuff was a lot of Laney AOR. Later stuff was indeed centered around Matamps which are quite costly in the states. People often quote that they used Matamp "Green" amps but I don't think many know that Matamp stamped the...
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    The New Fryette Amplification (VHT) Site Is Up!

    Oh please. It's not a public company name. I doubt you'd make "Nick Amps" either. Just because it worked for Jim Marshall doesn't mean it works for everyone. It's a silly sounding amp name in my opinion, that's all. I even think Mat Mathias shouldn't have picked "Matamp" for his company name but...
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    The New Fryette Amplification (VHT) Site Is Up!

    I could pick random letters out of the alphabet and the result would still be better than "Fryette" for an amp company. God awful company name.
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    Engl E530 electrical failure?

    Replace the two 12AX7 tubes in it just for the heck of it. If you can, just snag a couple out of a friend's amp for a couple minutes to test if that's the problem. I've had preamp tubes go bad in previous amps and it destroys the amp's sound immediately like that.
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    Engl E530 issue

    Yep. I admit I incorrectly interpreted what the manual said and hooked a few things up incorrectly. Everything is A-OK right now. It's not hooked up to a power amp but I have the instrument out going to my other guitar amp just so I can hear what I'm playing in the room. The two Line Out...
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    Engl E530 issue

    Oh I'm just a moron and read the manual to say you can use the Line Outs to power two cabinets. Durr you have to use the headphone jack with a stereo cable and blah blah.. nevermind. I'm dumb.
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    Engl E530 issue

    Hey guys. The Engl E530 I was waiting on finally showed up today. There's just one issue. None of the Line Out jacks seem to be outputting any signal. The headphone jack will even output enough signal to power headphones or, as I just tried out for 3 seconds, a guitar cabinet. This thing CLAIMS...
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    Your Amp History

    For me it was this: 1. 100W solid state amp I soldered together myself. Yes, my first amp was a home build. I still have it stored away. 2. Ampeg Portaflex. Some mid 60s Ampeg Portaflex my friend's dad found in the trash on the road. They gave it to me for free. It was a vertical 2x15" model...
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    Tone(s) i wish to acheive..

    Sorry to bump this old thread but I want to chime in here. The video the OP posted was from the Let Us Prey album. Electric Wizard used a Matamp Roadster for the guitar sound on that album. I don't know if they also used other amps or what outboard gear they added to it but... yeah. Previous to...
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    Random Pics of Your Rig

    Probably very different from what most people here play but: I doubt many here like that loose, vintage voiced, raspy, Matamp-style sound here but there you go... that's what I have right now. Engl E530 showing up next week though so we'll have a new addition at that point.
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    Peavey 5150 II for a Engl Powerball

    I'm curious if the people who think the Powerball is too "solid state" playing are simply being too aggressive with the noise gate on it.
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    Ns-2 and decimator comparison

    The NS-2 also has a Send/Return section. Have the people here who own or have used them using that portion of it or just the simple input/output method? I'd really be curious to see how well it works against the standard ISP Decimator pedal when used with the Send/Return feature since the...
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    Engl E530 preamp (or possibly a similar preamp)

    EDIT: Nevermind. Got one. Trying to find a used Engl E530 preamp. As long as it works, I am not concerned about physical condition. I may also be interested if you have a different preamp for sale that you think is somewhat similar and could nail modern metal well. Thanks!