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  1. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    Thanks! Sweet Marshall head! Mine almost looks the same only the on / off and standby switches are different. and it has 4 inputs
  2. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    I like(d) Gorefest too and of course, not to forget, Pestilence! I don't know what happened to the scene then....perhaps too many bands and the whole scene destroyed itself a bit.... There are also some bands here that are pretty complacent and think they will be discovered while sitting in...
  3. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    Thanks! True, in the 90s we had some excellent bands here! :hbang: Good luck with recording the new album :shred:
  4. Miss UV

    Miss UV

  5. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    Do you mean Stef? Well, he only rehearsed with us a couple of times and then he injured his arm, so that he wasn't able to play the drums anymore :(
  6. Miss UV

    Miss UV

  7. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    wahaha, already did that myself in the meantime (without even having read this reply) :D
  8. Miss UV

    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    Me, being "metal" :D
  9. Miss UV

    If your playing sucks in Holland....

    Off topic: klopt idd, wat is de wereld toch klein :)
  10. Miss UV

    DESENSITISED gigs in May

    Good idea! :agreed:
  11. Miss UV

    Metal bands using b tuning?

    Definitely B! Gorefest (on "False" at least)
  12. Miss UV

    Who sings?

    I do additional vocals (ie death grunts) in our band Desensitised. I tried out if I could do this when our first singer unexpectedly left the band in '95 and from then on we also use double vocal parts of which I do the low grunts and our singer the screams.
  13. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    Ha, ook leuk om jou te ontmoeten! :wavey: And really guys, what a lot of fuss about nothing......... :rolleyes:
  14. Miss UV

    DESENSITISED gigs in May

    DESENSITISED live :shred: : 6 May @ Dynamo, Eindhoven (NL) w/ Devious 19 May @ Bosuil, Weert (NL) w/ Master, Impaled Nazarene, Zuul FX 20 May @ De Box, Boxmeer (NL) w/ 2 tbc
  15. Miss UV

    If your playing sucks in Holland....

    Another misconception about our country :rant: ;)
  16. Miss UV

    * STRINGS *

    I use Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky 009 - 046 and an additional 056 (D'addario)
  17. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    haha, glad you like 'em!
  18. Miss UV


    Same holds true for me, especially when I want to improve my speed. Some people (often depending on the musical style they're playing :)) seem to underestimate the value of a metronome, but I think you really need it if you want improve your technique and speed...
  19. Miss UV

    [Lesson] Moveable Forms

    Very instructive, especially with the videos.
  20. Miss UV

    Miss UV

    I asked our webmaster to have a look at this problem and everything should work by now.... I can't check as I only have Internet Explorer, so some feedback whether our links work or not would be much appreciated :)