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  1. M

    Things to Do While Waiting for My Seven String

    I'm still waiting for my goddamn Schecter to come in. It was supposed to come in Tuesday...but now the music store is saying 2-3 weeks. (The store sucks, but I take lessons there. This is shit, shoulda ordered from Guitar Center, would've had it by now!) Anyway, I don't really know if this is...
  2. M

    Jam with your hero.

    Shawn Lane Jason Becker Mike Akerfeldt Ygnwie Malmsteen Chuck Schuldiner
  3. M

    Digitech RP250, Reaper, and FreeAmp3

    So I'm trying to record with my RP250. I've got it hooked up to the computer, and my computer's sound coming out of my amp, along with my guitar's sound. I haven't used Reaper before. When I insert certain tracks it tells me there are no tracks armed for recording, and certain ones I can record...
  4. M

    Good Death and Melodeath albums

    I really like Brett Garsed. This thread also got pretty far off topic.
  5. M

    Good Death and Melodeath albums

    Your post made me laugh out loud. It was like: bashbashtakeapartpoststopbeinganidiot, and by the way, take all these sick metal suggestions! Lol.
  6. M

    Good Death and Melodeath albums

    Akercoke without massive balls but with a much bigger brain, better chops, and more versatility. Opeth is art, they could be fucking eunuchs and still be amazing. If you're so perplexed and awed by massive balls, that's kind of weird. Sorry, but we get it. Akerwhatever is heavier and more...
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    Good Death and Melodeath albums

    Opeth is not folk metal I don't think, or melodeath. But they're pretty damn awesome! They're my favorite band I think. :P
  8. M

    Good Death and Melodeath albums

    The title says it all. I'm sick of hearing of Children of Bodom, I want something new. Just some suggestions ^_^. I mean uh....:scream: So bands like Carcass, old In Flames, stuff like that. I really like Carcass, but I don't know many other bands in that vein. I also really like Wintersun...
  9. M

    Tell us 5 guitar players you like the most

    Mike Akerfeldt Shawn Lane Michael Romeo Yngwie Malmsteen Paul Gilbert
  10. M

    Tell us 5 bands you can't stand AT ALL !

    1. Years Since the Storm (Years Since the Storm NEW EVERYTHING !!! on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads) The more listens they get the harder the gods of metal will smite them. 2. Korn/Slipknot/Disturbed 3. Suicide Silence 4. Avenged Sevenfold 5. Coldplay
  11. M

    Good, Fun, Intermediate Seven String Songs

    I'm going to scope out seven string guitars tomorrow, with my heart set on the Damien 7. :evil: I was wondering what songs should I learn first to get used to the 7 strings? I was thinking along the lines of: Panic Attack - Dream Theater The Mirror - Dream Theater Inside What's Within Behind -...
  12. M Interview: Tom Kopyto

    This is my guitar teacher. That was pretty shocking, to come to this website and then find this here later.
  13. M

    Switching to Seven String Guitar

    Hi, I just have some questions about seven string guitar, and more specifically, switching to it from six string. I want to get a Schecter Damien 7 for my first seven string, since it's in my price range. But I can only get so many guitars, and I have to make sure the guitar I pick is the right...