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  1. R

    Infinate Radius?

    True, but classical guitars are constructed in a completely different way than a Hufschmid. Playing a classical guitar with the idea that its flat radius fingerboard will feel the same as an electric with a flat radius would be like playing a 4 string banjo with the idea that because it has 4...
  2. R

    Best custom shop for a seven string?

    Yeah, I think I'd go for Oni too. Originally it was Hufschmid for me, but after sending him 2 emails he told me to stop emailing him and give him a call to figure every little detail out. That's all and well, but I live in Canada, so $50 on a phone call for a theoretical guitar just wasn't the...
  3. R

    People scared of 8 strings.....

    haha! can't wait to get my oni 9 string:lol:
  4. R

    I cant stand playing 6 strings.

    Yeah, my least favourite thing about 6 strings is how darn thin the necks are. Only 6 string I really enjoy playing is my classical guitar as its neck is very wide. If I get an extended range guitar it will probably be an 8 or 9 string.
  5. R

    Best custom shop for a seven string?

    Yeah, I agree - when it comes to custom guitars it's all about favorite, not best. For me, I'm going for Oni Guitars
  6. R

    7 string or 8 string

    Hi, I'm thinking of abandoning the path of the 6 string and joining the ranks of the extended range guitarists. I'm currently looking at getting a 7 or 8 string but I'm not sure which to go for. Any opinions/recommendations when it comes to choosing between the two?
  7. R

    NGD Finished Blackdroïd in hands

    When you ordered your guitar, did you get many options as far as different woods and finishes?
  8. R

    Blackdroid and Blackmachine guitars advice

    Hi, I'm looking at getting a custom 7 - 8 string guitar and came across Blackmachine and Blackdroid. They look awesome, but I don't have much of an idea about how much their guitars cost, or how long their waiting lists are - suggestions from people with experience with Blackdroid or...
  9. R

    8 string Q-tuners production! need buyers! (VERY possible! passive sized!)

    I've been emailing Erno - he said that the q-tuner bass pickups are identical to the guitar pickups in every respect except for size and the way they fit into the pickup cavity. (guitar pickups have the single screw hole on each side whereas bass are anchored in each corner) Hope this helps
  10. R

    NPD: The Q-Tuners are in!!! First impressions...

    I've been e-mailing back and forth with a guy at the q-tuner website. Here's what he said as far as string pull goes: "Although neodymium indeed is very strong, Q-tuners do not impair sustain due to string pull. The reason for the absence of string pull is that the pole pieces measure only 3...