Search results

  1. Adamame

    B.C. Rich Mockingbird ST Electric Guitar

    Thanx for the review! Found a bunch of old pics of me playing a USA Made Mockingbird 7-string and they've got me wanting a B.C.Rich again.:hbang:
  2. Adamame

    Horrible Guitar Land!

    Holy shit! This dude has got some serious attention issues. Ahhh Gross. A music store out here has 1 of those reverse explorers. they want like 4.5k for it.:nuts:
  3. Adamame

    Horrible Guitar Land!

  4. Adamame

    Nile - Those Whom The Gods Detest

    Wow! I haven't heard Nile in years!
  5. Adamame

    Insulted while trying to sell my ESP M-307.....

    Yeah, how else would my Dad have bought a '68 Telecaster in excellent condition w/OHSC for $200?:nuts: BTW, If anyone wants to buy it, He's asking $6k for it.
  6. Adamame

    Guitarists that inspire you

    <<<Not a mind reader. I meet guitarist all the time that don't even know who Alex Lifeson is. If Holdsworth is mentioned it's " is that the dude in the old Carvin catalogs?".:fawk: Here's some Hagstrom action from the House Of Blues. Thordendal was hiding in the shadows.
  7. Adamame

    Drunk college kids are MORONS.

    Weak sauce.
  8. Adamame

    Xbox 360 - Call of Duty 4

    GT: Barfdaysuit Let me now you're from the forum and i'll add you as soon as I get a new 360. MW2 you're supposed to get rewarded for prestiging. But yeah, kind of pointless in COD4.
  9. Adamame

    Guitarists that inspire you

    If you like Thordendal, you should really check out Holdsworth.
  10. Adamame

    Craziest thing you have seen people do while driving??

    Girl in a BMW 3 series yelling at me "Put the cigarette out if you want a blow job!" while I was on my way to pick up my girlfriend.
  11. Adamame

    If Not a Musician, What Else Would You Have Become

    I have no idea! I started playing when I was 8. My whole family plays.
  12. Adamame

    Guitarists that inspire you

    Definitely Alan Holdsworth! I love that smooth yet erratic style.
  13. Adamame

    B or bust.

    Haha! I found it immediately after i hit "post".
  14. Adamame

    Insulted while trying to sell my ESP M-307.....

    I bought my UV777blk for $500. :)
  15. Adamame

    B or bust.

    What's up every one!? I've been playing for 20yrs now and don't currently own a 7-string but I love them and have had a few REALLY nice 7's. Anyway, Here's to getting another one soon!:hbang: How do I set my avatar?
  16. Adamame

    Insulted while trying to sell my ESP M-307.....

    I once came across a black and green universe at a local pawn shop for $900. That means some poor schmuck got about $400 for a $2k guitar. NEVER sell to a pawn shop! Oh yeah, I really miss my M-307.