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  1. C

    Korn 8 string

    People want different things out of music. Some want music to appreciate, to insipre and to influence. People like us listen to music because we're musicians, beacuse we appreciate people who push musical boundaries, who challenge the rules. Korn are a band who have done that in the past, and...
  2. C

    'Plot to blow up planes foiled'

    I wonder why they took the engine out of that truck?
  3. C


    I'm a massive boss fan so I use a custom-made boss pedal board filled with boss pedals My signal is as follows guitar > Boss NS2 Loop (TU-2 > OC-2 > CS-3 > AW-3 > MT-2 > TR-2 > DD-3 > GE-7 (solo Boost)) > MGHDFX100 > 2 x 4x12. As I'm the only guitarist in the band the two cabs are split...
  4. C

    So I'm listening to "Piece of Mind"...

    Did exactly the same and I kinda agree with this - Powerslave and POM are BOTH kickass albums, as are SIT and SSOASS :hbang:
  5. C

    Jean Baudin 11 String Conklin "Lava" : 56k No Way

    But everyone seems to bring this up when discussing Korn, about how simple their music is compared to other 7-string users.... ....I dont get it - its about feel and what inspires the listener - who cares if it's 1 note or 100 - as long as it inspires a feeling and makes people want to pick-up...
  6. C

    Korn 8 string

    I make no secret of the fact that I love Korn. After 17 years of playing I recently bought my first 7 - and that has all been down to Korn. I remember buying passion and warfare when it was first out and never really "getting" the whole Vai thing - to me shredding sounds technically impressive...
  7. C

    Disturbed's version of 'Land of Confussion'

    Love it now I've heard it!!!!!!! I seriously had to listen carefully - at first I thought it was Phil Collins actually singing!!!! Its great....:yesway:
  8. C

    Reb Beach Signature Axe

    oh god now you're asking!!! Hmmm, it was the one with the weird body cuttaway behind the trem - and if both of the Ibanez sigs had one then I guess I mean both :yesway:
  9. C

    UV777BK VS K7... ok, GO!!!

    I dont want to start a flame war, or get personally dissed for this, but how can you choose one over the other when you have no experience of one? Korn come in for some stick on this forum, despite a lot of people in music industry circles (and if I can find the articles I'll post them here)...
  10. C

    Ibanez xv500 Review

    I love this - he rates the company 1 out of 10 for customer support, then goes on to say he's never had to deal with the company!?!! :lol:
  11. C

    Reb Beach Signature Axe

    Following on from another thread in another section of the forum does anyone on here own one of these guitars? What are they like to play?
  12. C

    Look what I won off ebay...

    Think its a joke dude :cool:
  13. C

    Let's discuss Iron Maiden

    Agreed!! Although that Maiden Japan ep still sounds good these days :hbang:
  14. C

    Disturbed's version of 'Land of Confussion'

    OMG - I remember when the original came out - its a good song. Not heard the Disturbed version (i know I know there's a link to it but I'm in work and no speakers so I'll save that delight for later on tonight) but heard some of the other covers Disturbed have done so looking forward to it :hbang:
  15. C

    Let's discuss Iron Maiden

    You should read the Maiden autobiography - he says that when he was fired he went home, climbed into his bath fully dressed and cried his eyes out - he was gutted!!! He used to enjoy hanging abt with the roadies on tour and that apparently drove a wedge between him and the rest of the guys, and...
  16. C

    I'm in an ACDC mood

    I like this attitude in music, the simple approach to song-writing!!! I always thought Rock was about just that - attitude more than technical ability!! I think that is lost these days a bit, but its great to listen to a band and just be able to pick-up and play :shred:
  17. C

    Confusing Wiring Diagram

    Figured as much - always good to get some advice tho!!! Can you believe it, after 17 yrs of playing I've never needed to replace any pups - now I guess I'm getting serious abt what I'm doing!!!!! And after I'd picked up that this diagram was for a RG7520 (!?!?!) I thought I'd better check...
  18. C

    New Metallica song

    Still here tho dude :fawk:
  19. C

    Confusing Wiring Diagram

    Ok would anyone like to tell me which pup is the neck and which pup is the bridge, seeing as they're BOTH labeled the same?!?! :rolleyes:
  20. C

    New Metallica song

    Dude I have no reason to insult you - you're a fellow guitarist, and you admit on another thread that you love maiden, which is totally cool! I can't even be arsed anymore. Current Crop implies things that are current. New Implies things that haven't been done before - so you're not strictly...