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  1. SquirtleSquad

    So I started a side project (tech, djent, prog)

    I acually almost released a tab for another track, but I think I will wait until I have another track recorded. But Om excited to share this. It'll also be free release on band camp and ill be compiling a zip with tabs to every song
  2. SquirtleSquad

    So I started a side project (tech, djent, prog)

    As in... How is this prog? Well prog is a label generally meaning "you may write the music without boundaries". Which is exactly what I Aimed to do. I originally intended this to be basically tech death, and as I progressed it sooon became apparent that I should write music I'd like to hear...
  3. SquirtleSquad

    Fanned Six Strings

    Anyone here completely obsessed with them? I'm going to be doing custom soon because I just can't get over the #27 Varberg I know Agile has a production fanned 6 somewhere, but is there any other companies that do fanned 6?
  4. SquirtleSquad

    Fanned Six Strings

  5. SquirtleSquad

    Gibson fails again.

    Well. As you can see, it's a six string with a EMG-707TW and EMG-81TW with a "VL" neck. The VL neck is designed so when you bend strings on the upper registry, they don't collide with other strings, allowing for unique ways of developing certain licks. Apparently it can do some pretty gnarly...
  6. SquirtleSquad

    Most overrated player

    This thread hurts my feelings.. I'd have to say.. hmm.. Angus Young. Sloppy mofo.
  7. SquirtleSquad

    So I started a side project (tech, djent, prog)

    Hey guys! Just finished writing an 8 track album for my side project outside of my other band Icosian, called Sol 2183 I've always been a huge fan of more technical music, and stuff like that doesn't really sit in my other band well. So I've been working on this side project for about 3 weeks...
  8. SquirtleSquad

    fak. I would totally trade you my 08 EBMM Jp6, Poland seems far tho ... Lemme know

    fak. I would totally trade you my 08 EBMM Jp6, Poland seems far tho ... Lemme know
  9. SquirtleSquad

    /FT: OAF custom 8 string - 1600 OR Ibby 2228 trade

    Man I love this guitar. Seriously more comfortable than most 6 strings out there.
  10. SquirtleSquad

    Big strandberg development...

    Buying dat Varberg.
  11. SquirtleSquad

    Strandberg Copy Run [crazy cheap & awesome luthier!]

    The more I creep this thread the more I regret pulling out. :(
  12. SquirtleSquad

    I need to buy your egan strandberg HAHAHA

    I need to buy your egan strandberg HAHAHA
  13. SquirtleSquad

    Strandberg waiting list update

    I necro'd because my boner for Strands are rediculous, just ask Mehtab.
  14. SquirtleSquad

    Tablature Critiquing Thread

    Thank you so much!
  15. SquirtleSquad

    Strandberg waiting list update

    6 string production model? I may just cry a little.
  16. SquirtleSquad

    Tablature Critiquing Thread

    This song ruuuules. I'd love to write with you at some point. Here's a tab I'm working on for an LP of mine. Icosian - Demo1
  17. SquirtleSquad

    Misha/Nolly Axe Fx Patches?

    Anyone here with the Preamp try out any of these patches? It was not what I was expecting at all, I felt like the actual patch itself isn't REAAALLY a patch he would use, but then again I'm using a 6. Opinions? EDIT: And I totally just posted this in the wrong area.
  18. SquirtleSquad

    30" too much for me?

    Scale length is definitely not the "one shoe fits all" type deal. I can't play anything ERG from a thumb injury and borderline tendonitis. If it feels good, go for it! The ERG has it's benefits and people with healthy wrists wil enjoy them much more than I can! Just keep up on stretches! :)