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  1. huber

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    I've only listened to songs here and there so far and it's sounded great. Gunna listen all the way through today with some headphones. It's dangerous to listen to on the way to work or at work because it makes me want to pick up a guitar so badly.
  2. huber

    Swapping out the Blazes

    I only recently got back into playing guitar, and there are so many more 7 string pickup options now. I am looking to swap out the blazes in my universe. I play a tone zone/air norton combo in my 6 string. Any suggestions for a 7 string combo that resembles that? I hear the 7 string tone zones...
  3. huber

    After a long break, getting back into it

    Thats all I needed to hear. Ty
  4. huber

    After a long break, getting back into it

    I had to sell almost all my music gear, including guitars, years ago because of life shit. I came across a deal on a low end ibanez s 6 string and decided to pick it up a few months ago to get back into music. But I should have known, I need that 7th string. So I am planning my next guitar...
  5. huber

    He Is Legend

    Last week I was bored at work and realized I could go on and do some CD shopping with some gift cards I got during the holidays. I wasn't sure what to buy so I stopped several customers and asked them for any random recommendation. One guy was hell bent on getting me to buy an...
  6. huber

    Check this out, you won't be dissapointed.

    That was pretty cool.
  7. huber

    Should I pay for lessons?

    Most of the time people that don't take lessons are likely to fall into a habit of playing the same thing all the time because it sounds good to them and they have no one to get them to play anything else. A teacher will present new challenges to you constantly. Most teachers are also tons...
  8. huber

    || eMo Alphabet ||

    I thought it was alright until Z. Z made me rofl.
  9. huber

    In Flames uses 7 Strings?

    Here is is
  10. huber


    When he started asking how much the fish was I :lol:'ed pretty hard.
  11. huber

    The interesting musicians thread

    Mike Patton Peeping Tom Project Faith No More And tons tons more. So much different music has come out of Mike Patton
  12. huber

    Full transition? Or hold off?

    I haven't played my sixes in forever but I still don't want to get rid of them because one was my very first guitar given to me by my Dad (and I don't see him very often), and the other years later by my Mom. Both times they were given to me it struck a new interest in the instrument so they...
  13. huber

    I'm guilty

    I listen to them occasionally. Durst can get on my nerves but it doesn't make me hate Limp Bizkit or anything. They've put out some good songs.
  14. huber

    Meshuggah - the lyrics

    I see tons of discussion about all things Meshuggah: Guitars, guitar tone, drumming, song writing, etc... but something I don't see discussed often if at all is the lyrics of Meshuggah. I find almost all of it fascinating. I can't quite point out what it is but their is something abstract...
  15. huber

    Who wants a 7-string Explorer?

    I'd definetly buy one.
  16. huber

    New 7 on my doorstep today

    That F is my first guitar. It's an LTD F-50. I was gunna sell it to a friend of mine who wants to start learning guitar, but I figured I'd regret selling it as I'm sentimental about things like a first guitar. I'll probably do some cool mods to it for fun some day.
  17. huber

    Best Meshuggah video ever

    :rofl: @ Fredrik at the end
  18. huber

    Favourite Meshuggah tone?

    I really like I's tone, but I think Chaosphere gets my vote.
  19. huber

    New 7 on my doorstep today

    I woke up this morning to my mom opening my door and saying, "You bought another guitar?" My S7320 came today. Really quickly too. Ordered it Wednesday. I'm very happy with the service so far at American Musical Supply. I only had time to snap one quick shot and had to head to...
  20. huber

    Yesterday I left my band...

    I'm with you on that choice dude. I wouldn't have stuck around either.