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  1. G

    Mixtest with metal foundry/le456 amp sim

    hey guys i just found lepou's plugins and i wanted to know what you thought of the guitar sound and drum sound (superior 2 metal foundry) Thanks
  2. G

    Spots [Prog/Djent/PodX3/Superior]

    Hey guys I've been workin real hard on this mix for a month now and I feel like it's well enough to post here and see what everyone thinks. How's the guitar mix/drums mix/song mix?? Thanks for listening, you guys are awesome. Guitars - Pod X3 (Big Bottom amp) Drums - Superior (Metal...
  3. G

    WIP: Borderline Hurricane (Head-bangin', Andy James-esque tune) NEED FEEDBACK

    K your songwriting is top notch dude. I love the lead too its incredible and the clean section is great too. I could see myself coming back and listening to it. As for the mix your guitars sound pretty good. A little too much high end on the rhythm guitars, what are you using?? Also your...
  4. G

    For BoO it's really midrangey. you can just use a hi gain amp but instead of turning up the...

    For BoO it's really midrangey. you can just use a hi gain amp but instead of turning up the high mids to get that djent sound you want to turn up the low mids to get that kind of sound. The tone on BoO's first album was really bassy too. If you want the kind of tone that they got on the...
  5. G

    Mix test please listen

    I used the Big Bottom amp with the V30 cabs on the X3 on rhythm and I used the ENGL Powerball amp for leads. I forget what I used for the cleans, but I remember it was a preset in the clean section that I tweaked a little bit. As for EQ I lowered the mids on the rhythm guitar and did a high...
  6. G

    Huge Mix of Prog Song (Superior,PodX3,Kontakt)

    Most of the reverb came from Waves' RVerb vst plugin. On the guitars I used a small guitar plate I think it was and on the other instruments I used alot of the echo chamber presets and just mixed them in about 20% wet usually. It's a good way to get everything to sit in the mix i think.
  7. G

    Huge Mix of Prog Song (Superior,PodX3,Kontakt)

    So I was trying to get a pretty big epic sound for this song and I used lots of reverb and lots of different instruments. Please tell me what you think of the mix, especially the end (is it too much). Anything helps. And if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer. Thanks alot . Song is...
  8. G

    Soundation - Free Web Garageband like sequencer

    I just found this on the web, thought it would be cool to share with you guys. Soundation Studio Heres my first attempt with just the free samples that come with it.
  9. G

    Electronic experimental song (reason 4.0)

    Here's a new electronic song I put together. It's really like 3 songs in one and its pretty dark and sad but I hope you like it :) Tell me what you think Everything was done in Reason 4.0 (which is amazing for this kind of stuff) Enjoy! thanks. song is Dr. Robotnik <img...
  10. G

    Mix test please listen

    Yeah the ending is in 17/16 and its also my house number lol
  11. G

    Mix test please listen

    Thanks alot! I just about eq'd every guitar and synth so that they had their own little slot in the frequency range. also raised the entire mix from 10kHz-20kHz for that extra cymbal clarity.
  12. G

    Really basic guitar recording setup?

    When you track two different takes of the same part and pan one track all the way left and the other track all the way right. you gotta do it for rhythm guitars cause it makes it sounds alot better.
  13. G

    Question about getting certain effects in mix!!! It's a nice VST that acts as a little sampler for the kind of effect you want. If you need help let me know
  14. G

    Mix test please listen

    <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyNzI5OTY5Mjk3NTYmcHQ9MTI3Mjk5NjkzODM2OCZwPTE1ODM2MSZkPSZnPTEmbz1jZmFjN2VmY2U1Mzg*NGY3YjQ4/NWM2NjdmNzc3MWY*YSZvZj*w.gif" /><div...
  15. G

    Turkish orchestra. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence.

    yeah this reminds me how awesome they were as songwriters then. thanks for the post!
  16. G

    Help with compressing guitars

    If by smoother you mean all one volume then yeah you need to compress your mix. Try setting a compressor (I'm assuming you have one in the DAW you're using) with a ratio of 4 (which is really gonna squash the signal) and an attack and release of around 25ms for each (which is pretty fast)...
  17. G

    Sybreedish thing (Pod, MF, Reason)

    Hey man I think he used Pod farm on this one judging by what he said in the first post. but honestly you could definitely get this sound with just a podx3 running into your computer. but yah the custom impulses make a huge difference sometimes in the sound of the pod.
  18. G

    Drewsif Stalin's Free Album!! *Acle Worship*

    at loud volumes the album mix blows my mind in a very good way
  19. G

    Interceptor Clip (MF, POD, Reason)

    is that from pod farm?