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  1. Sjusovaren

    Evan's Official Transcription thread

    Awesome! I love The Midnight, any chance of a transcription for the Sunset solo?
  2. Sjusovaren

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Ooh! I saw the same show, up on the balcony. Great show. I especially enjoyed a dude doing "the worm" during a break and a random dance circle forming in one song, I think the jazzbreak in Wildfire? Seeing a dude twerk to Periphery was wild
  3. Sjusovaren

    NHL 2016-2017: World Cup of Hockey

    I hate my life and I want to die. Regards, Avs-fan.
  4. Sjusovaren

    R.I.P Gary Moore

    Came without a warning indeed. :(
  5. Sjusovaren

    R.I.P Gary Moore

    A really really really sad loss, one of my absolute favourite players. :( Rest in peace you amazing man.
  6. Sjusovaren

    FrankenCharvel King V

    Hey, I'd just like to say that if you decide to sell it (and if you're willing to ship to Europe, I'd pay shipping of course), I'm interested in this guitar. :)
  7. Sjusovaren

    Fear of the dark..Hell yeah i am 10 again!!!

    That performance saddens me. :( One of my favourite songs with one of my favourite H-solos... And Janick makes it into the same old boring crapwank.
  8. Sjusovaren

    NGD! (ESP Eclipse)

    Awesome, I have a feeling you'll enjoy it! :hbang:
  9. Sjusovaren

    Guitarist you most want to see pick up a 7

    After seeing what he did with Drop D, I'd love to see what Adrian Smith could come up with using a seven-string.
  10. Sjusovaren

    NGD! (ESP Eclipse)

    Thanks guys! :) Nice! What finish do you have on yours and what are you gonna put in there pup-wise? :) I'm thinking about dual Paf Pro's on this one or maybe an Norton/Air Norton set.
  11. Sjusovaren

    Here she is...NGD (Awesome content)

    Goddamn, nice! Always liked those RG770's, that one looks awesome! :) Congrats!
  12. Sjusovaren

    NGD! (ESP Eclipse)

    Mr. UPS-man finally delivered my new guitar today. :) A friend of mine who works at World of Strings in Cali hooked me up wonderfully. :) I figured less chatty, more pictures: That is an ESP Eclipse II in Snow White. :) The store I got it from changed out the EMG's for...
  13. Sjusovaren

    The "What You Did This Weekend" or "What you're doing this weekend" Thread

    I worked (bleh, fastfood-jobs suck) and waited for the weekend to pass and Monday to come so UPS could deliver my new guitar. :)
  14. Sjusovaren

    Tommorow night I get to meet Jeff Loomis

    Nice! Jeff is an awesome dude, got the chance to sit down and talk with him for some time when he was here for a clinic and I had a great time. :)
  15. Sjusovaren

    Just got signed!

    Congrats dude! :) Let me know if you guys swing by Gävle. ;)
  16. Sjusovaren

    Magic the Gathering!

    I'm kinda wanting to try Magic but not sure if I have the time/energy it takes, I've still got dreams of (somewhat) making it in music. :lol: But for the heck of it, where should I start? How? Halp plz? :)
  17. Sjusovaren

    Song suggestions for a 3-hour Halloween gig?

    Of Wolf and Man ('Tallica) maybe? Midnight (Satch), Moonchild is a must! If you can convince the singer, you HAVE to do some King Diamond or I'll kill you myself. ;)
  18. Sjusovaren

    Holy shit! Marty Friedman's new album..

    Gonna have to check this one out, I have the title track lodged in my head, it's been in there for days! :lol: Marty is totally in my top 3 of fav. guitarists.
  19. Sjusovaren

    : ESP LTD Truckster (UK)

    Any chance of a EU-deal for an ESP Board member? ;)
  20. Sjusovaren

    UK/EU WTB 7

    Any interest in an LTD H-207? :)