Search results

  1. ChuckLee

    Vocalist offering for online band

    Hi everybody The title says it all. I'm looking for any kind of death metal, deathcore (technical, classic, brutal, grind, progressive or whatever) band or just a composer who's willing to fill his/her work with some badass vocals (at least they are badass for me :scream: ). I can perform any...
  2. ChuckLee

    Song in need of Vocals

    What kind of vocals do you prefer?
  3. ChuckLee

    Guitarist looking for online project

    Am I late for this???
  4. ChuckLee

    Vocalist/lyricist needed

    Link's not working
  5. ChuckLee

    Vocalist needed to finish a single for Spring/Summer release!

    I'll give it a shot. Send it over at
  6. ChuckLee

    Looking for Experienced Vocalist (Tech Death)

    I'm definitely in! Mailing you my youtube channel...:hbang:
  7. ChuckLee

    Guitarist looking for online project!

    Your stuff is strong indeed. I am a guitarist and singer but actually I want to focus more on singing. I perform raw and clean screaming, growl and whatever...I don't like my clean singing though...btw I'm in too if you wish
  8. ChuckLee

    Death cover by me. For nostalgic death metallers

    Thanks brother, too kind of you! :metal:
  9. ChuckLee

    Death cover by me. For nostalgic death metallers

    Here's another one, if you liked the other ChuckLee - Empty Words (Death tribute) - YouTube
  10. ChuckLee

    Death cover by me. For nostalgic death metallers

    This is my last work at guitars bass and voice. Hope you'll enjoy it. ChuckLee - Flattening of Emotions (Death tribute): ChuckLee - Flattening of Emotions (Death tribute) - YouTube
  11. ChuckLee

    Download my EP for free - OBSIDIAN BLEEDS

    I've started using it for its similar-to-real but actually it doesn't sound that powerful so I switched to S2.0 for the next works....thanks for the apreciation btw :metal: Wow thank you man!!! I'm the vocalist actually and I love doing it :scream: Thanks again for the kind reply!!
  12. ChuckLee

    Download my EP for free - OBSIDIAN BLEEDS

    Thank you guys for the apreciation Finally someone got into this :)
  13. ChuckLee

    Download my EP for free - OBSIDIAN BLEEDS

    No1 is checking in??
  14. ChuckLee

    Download my EP for free - OBSIDIAN BLEEDS

    I hate doing this :)
  15. ChuckLee

    Download my EP for free - OBSIDIAN BLEEDS

    The download page of my band's EP is ready. Obsidian Bleeds It's fully downloadable, hope you'll like my technical death metal band. It's kind of a mix of my previous bands Obsidian and Nosebleed. Don't forget to visit my facebook, youtube and myspace pages :wavey: :metal:
  16. ChuckLee

    Persaeus- "Synesthesia" (Axe FX Ultra, SD 2.0)

    Great work bro!!! Both voice and drums are BRUTAL :hbang:
  17. ChuckLee

    Drumkit from Hell / Help needed! :)

    There's absolutely no need to get a midi keyboard. You just open the grooves, choose a preset that sounds similar to what you're looking for, then drop it into the track and edit it by double-clicking on it. Too simple :)
  18. ChuckLee

    Tight death metal tone??

    MAN this is outstanding :shred: Both tone and riffing is great imo and you should keep going with it. As a death metaller myself I definitely love it :hbang:
  19. ChuckLee

    New Nosebleed Song "Subliminal Burst" (technical death metal, djent, vocals)

    <iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>