Search results

  1. JosephVincent

    Avant Garde Instrumental Electronic Album "Welcome to the Chocolate Factory"

    I'm releasing an instrumental Avant Garde album which is predominantly electronic, but has a few guitars here and there. I've been doing side work composing video game music, so this takes some inspiration from that work, though it's not as repressed and I feel that it's more expressive than my...
  2. JosephVincent

    Is playing in open tunings like open c or open B cheating

    Exploring different tunings isn't cheating. If anything it'd be beneficial. It'd teach you relationships between intervals quick.
  3. JosephVincent

    6505+ and POD HD Pro

    Use the first option but plug your guitar into the Input of the Pod HD pro. If the first method works, ignore this. If it doesn't work, sometimes the amp needs something plugged into both parts of the FX Loop, so plug a cable or one of those headphone converters in the Preamp out. Should...
  4. JosephVincent

    Custom Floating Trem Made of Titanium

    6 string TITANIUM trems not difficult to find? :lol:
  5. JosephVincent

    Rack mount setup...

    My affordable dream setup would be a POD HD Pro into the power section of a Carvin V3m. The V3ms are great amps on their own and are in the same range as other tube power amps if not cheaper. The V3m is rack mountable and this setup would be under 2 grand. As far as cabs go, I'd go with Avatar...
  6. JosephVincent

    Small tube amps for the studio?

    It's $600. : V3 Micro Series Tube Guitar Amplifiers Edit: I think the Legacy 3s can also be brought down to 15 watts and they're 900.
  7. JosephVincent

    Small tube amps for the studio?

    I was about to suggest a Carvin V3m before I read the under 30 watt post. Though, I think the V3m allows you to turn the wattage down. That amp is versatile as all hell. If not that, look at a Jet City 22h. I've heard great tones from them.
  8. JosephVincent

    Alternate picking problem

    As weird as this will sound, I've never once head on practiced alternate picking. I knew to pick up and down when I first got my guitar and I always played at whatever level I was at. After 7 years of playing, I've gotten better and better at it. I'm no pro, but I can pick fast if I'd like to...
  9. JosephVincent

    Line 6 POD HD Pro Live?

    I use my XT Live through a velocity 300 and it sounds great. I'm extremely familiar with the HD, having extensively used one, and if anything it'd sound even better through a power amp. If you went direct, I'm not sure if it'd catch the same rawness that you get from a live cab. You might be...
  10. JosephVincent

    Passive or Active pickups?

    Go for some Dimarzios. In my experience Crunchlab and Liquifire are the best choice with DActivators in close second. I'm only experienced with the 6 string versions, though if the 7's are similar, this should be the case.
  11. JosephVincent


    Hi, I created this account a while ago and never posted for some odd reason. Anyhow, I guess this will be my little introduction. I play predominantly 6 strings, although my buddy recently got a Carvin 7 and I've been playing that every chance I get. Looking to get a carvin after I get my...