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  1. S

    EMG's and managing feedback

    Turn down the gain? My Dimarzio D-Sonic will feedback like crazy if I decide to go gonzo on the gain knob, but when I keep it in the 2-3 o'clock range they do just fine.
  2. S

    Pickup Advice

    I love the sound of Bareknuckles, especially the new ceramic Nailbombs, but I am a college student and can't spend $150 for a single pickup. Usually with Dimarzio or Seymour Duncan you can get 2 pickups for $150-170, which is more within my budget. AFA the other poster that talked about...
  3. S

    Who inspired you to play seven?

    Petrucci for me. DT was a revelatory experience when I first heard them.
  4. S

    Pickup Advice

    I am new here and made my first 7 string purchase recently, and now I am the owner of an Ibanez RGA7 (Mahogany body, Maple/Rosewood neck). While the guitar is a decent value for the price the pickups are the muddiest, most miserable sounding things I have heard. So, since they are EMG707-size...
  5. S

    Pickup Advice

  6. S

    Hello 7 stringers!

    I am happy to join this community, as it seems well suited to my musical inclinations. I recently got an Ibanez RGA7 as my first foray into the 7 string universe, and I think it is a pretty good bang for the buck, electronics nonwithstanding. Looking to replace the pickups in the near future...