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  1. fleeeep

    Who's In A Gigging Band?

    I play in a rock covers band for a living called bluemoose Bluemoose We play 4-5 nights a week, we did around 240 shows last year, it's a full time job, lot of travelling involved. We play everything from the newest chart hits to classic rock, AC/DC, Guns 'n' Roses etc.
  2. fleeeep

    Asshole. (Michael Vick)

    Any one in any way involved in dogfighting should rot and burn in hell in IMO!!! I think there is no more disgusting and depraved so called "sport" out there. Any it's the dogs that get a bad name for being bred for fighting. it's not their fault that sickos like this guy treat them badly and...
  3. fleeeep

    NGD, my new RG1077XL :)

    Like i said, i'll have to play it through my giggin rig before i make up my mind on that, i've only played it through my Pod with headphones at home, through which it sounds great. so i'm hoping it'll sound even better through my main rig. However, i do have the same pickups in my RG7321 and...
  4. fleeeep

    NGD, my new RG1077XL :)

    oh yeah, damn, forgot about that. thanks. WOO HOO!!!
  5. fleeeep

    NGD, my new RG1077XL :)

    Thanks guys, i can't wait to gig this one and see how it fares. i'll post up some pics of it in action when i do.
  6. fleeeep

    NGD, my new RG1077XL :)

    I've been lusting after one of these for a long time, ever since i saw the 2001 Ibanez catalogue. This one is spot less, i can't get over how clean it is. I'm super happy with it and it sounds great, really chunky and defined, the neck pickup is very smooth, don't think i'll need to change any...
  7. fleeeep

    Throw Up The Horns! Picture Thread \m/

    here's a less scary one ;) or this, sitting on Lars Ulrichs Drum riser backstage in 2004
  8. fleeeep

    Throw Up The Horns! Picture Thread \m/

  9. fleeeep

    Throw Up The Horns! Picture Thread \m/

    double horns + partial peoples eyebrow + sneer = :metal:
  10. fleeeep

    The Devin Townsend Supermegathread!

    "for those of you who are better at this then i am, suck it!" Legend!!!
  11. fleeeep

    Agile Interceptor

    The Engl is a beast. it's like a nice mix of a marshall and a boogie, which suits me. It's not overly bassy like a boogie and it's not too mid heavy like a marshall, works great with the Pod. Plus it's built like a tank so it's good and road worthy.
  12. fleeeep

    Agile Interceptor

    hey, sweet guitar and great sound clips! How you feeling about it a few months down the line? Still happy? Any problems?
  13. fleeeep

    Agile Interceptor Pro arrived! Pics! (56k = Sanjaya fan)

    apart from the screws for the cover being too close to edge of the cavity the routes look pretty tidy, especially the control cavity, but you're right about the battery, they could have fit it in there and done with out the seperate compartment.
  14. fleeeep

    Agile Interceptor Pro arrived! Pics! (56k = Sanjaya fan)

    So how you feeling about it 3 days on? Still happy? any chance of pics of the trem cavity and control cavity?
  15. fleeeep

    Kosaku's Ibanez World

    for such a serious collector he's got very few J-Customs
  16. fleeeep

    Ibanez in 2008 and on

    It's actually their 100th anniversary, so yeah they should have something special planned.
  17. fleeeep


    Sweet baby cheeses, that's gorgeous
  18. fleeeep

    Inteceptor pickups???

    The new one looks real nice but I'm not a fan of EMG's and painted necks. plus I prefer the 27" scale and the slightly sharper shape of the old inteceptor.
  19. fleeeep

    Inteceptor pickups???

    Thanks dude, coz it's seems everone changes them out straight away and i was wondering were they that bad or had anyone even given them a chance.