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  1. TimMcKiernan

    Mbox2 issues

    It does as I've used it with reaper previously on a few different computers. I might give a crack uninstalling internet explorer 8 then haha
  2. TimMcKiernan

    Mbox2 issues

    Hey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with my mbox and pro-tools. The story so far; I recently got a new computer and installed my pro-tools software and drivers for my mbox2. This failed for some reason and I couldn't use or uninstall protools and I couldn't use my mbox properly in other...
  3. TimMcKiernan

    Orange 4x12 Cab question.

    Just as midi controller to change patches. I want to upgrade that eventually. But It works alright just swapping between say 4 patches. before I do that I'm going to swap my 6 space rack case for a 2 space and a 4 space, jst to make it easier to carry by myself.
  4. TimMcKiernan

    Orange 4x12 Cab question.

    My father made me something similar to that for one of my practice amps to slide it under a desk. I might look into making something similar. for those interested here's my current setup.
  5. TimMcKiernan

    Orange 4x12 Cab question.

    I think I might hold off putting wheels on it and just use a trolley to move it around. I got it in and out of the car pretty easily. Thanks for all your input.
  6. TimMcKiernan

    Orange 4x12 Cab question.

    My house has about 6 different sets of stairs haha. I've got a little trolley I use for my rack case, guess i'll just use that and see how it goes.
  7. TimMcKiernan

    Orange 4x12 Cab question.

    AxeFx Ultra through Fryette 2-90-2. And occasionally a Marshall (When I can't be bothered with heavy rack cases)
  8. TimMcKiernan

    Orange 4x12 Cab question.

    Thanks for the reply. I'm buying the cab tomorrow morning and thought I'd better check before I purchased it haha.
  9. TimMcKiernan

    Orange 4x12 Cab question.

    Hey guys, I'm considering buying an Orange 412 and since it's a little heavy I'm considering putting wheels on it. I've heard from a few people that the reason the Oranges don't have wheels on them is something to do with the bass transfer to the floor or something along the lines of that...
  10. TimMcKiernan

    Pop Punk Axe Fx Song.

    So I'm pretty new to recording and I got bored a few weeks and tried re-creating a song using my axe-fx. :hbang: Unfortunately my laptop is terrible and can only handle having a few tracks with minimal plug-ins running so the tracks are pretty much what came from the axefx. :wallbash...
  11. TimMcKiernan

    Random Pics of Your Rig

  12. TimMcKiernan

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    Rack - Fryette 2-90-2 Poweramp. Axe-Fx ultra. Wireless (It's not my wireless just borrowing it) Some tuner (It's not my tuner just borrowing it) Guitar - LTD Viper 400 or something. Band - Not pictured Boss GT8 currently used as...
  13. TimMcKiernan

    What cab should I buy

    Geelong Vic
  14. TimMcKiernan

    What cab should I buy

    I have a guy I know selling one second hand, Definently a worthy investment then?
  15. TimMcKiernan

    What cab should I buy

    Has anybody tried the fryette cabs?
  16. TimMcKiernan

    What cab should I buy

    I'll keep an eye out for emperor cabs man, thanks
  17. TimMcKiernan

    What cab should I buy

    I've considered going directly into a PA live but the majority of PA's at venues around here suck. Saying that I also like the feel of having a cab behind me on stage. Any one tried any of the Hughes and Ketner cabs?
  18. TimMcKiernan

    What cab should I buy

    Aren't the Oranges super heavy (weight) and pretty pricey? I do agree that they look sexy though.
  19. TimMcKiernan

    What cab should I buy

    Hey guys, I've been thinking of upgrading from my old cab which is a 4x12 Randall and was wondering what were some good cabs worth sussing out, I've heard good things about the Mesa cabs and the Orange cabs, what are some opinions on these? *for the record I'm running an Axe-Fx Ultra...
  20. TimMcKiernan

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    Not pictured Boss Gt8 used as a midi controller. Maxon 0d808 Boss Tu2 Tuner