Search results

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    Cepheus Pickups

    i love the cepheus pickups... never used an M8.. and Meshuggah sounds awesome.. but the real difference? not totally sure..
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    Post pics of your ERG

    agile 828 and my schecter damien 7.
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    Where to get strings for an 8 string.

    i work at a music store; you can custom order in an .080 from d'addario... like $4... i get a 10 - 54 set then at a 64 and an 80... 28.625 scale tho.. that makes a difference... by custom order i mean ask your local shop to order one in, its not like theyre winding it just for you.. they have...
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    Agile 825 MN

    just got a 28.625 scale Agile in the mail on thursday.. still jamin' it out.. my real opinion is that a 25" scale would be so flubby... even if you could some how get like a 110 on that thing, it still wont be articulate.. get at least the 27 scale... the 28 really isnt hard to play either...
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    NGD! pics/paragraph

    its def. got a weird colour-changing thing in different light, but im HUUUGE on silverburst guitars and i wasnt gunna spend an assload of money on a custom guitar. awesome compromise. the pic on the Rondo site doesnt do it justice.. my pics dont really do it justice.
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    NGD! pics/paragraph

    alright, so im new to this forum but this is not my first ERG. it is my first 8 string... so Agile 828 Dual MN Ghostburst. you all know the specs, ppl have posted dozens of these guitars. its the 828, so 28.625" scale. i was a little apprehensive about the scale length, i dont have huge...
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    thanks everyone. today was suppose to be a NGD for me.. but i missed the FedEx dude.. i was SOOOOO fuckin' pissed this morning.. gunna pick it up at the depot at 6:30. then its rehearsal.. probably wont post 'till tomorrow. thanks again!
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    Hiya everybody! My name's Bruce. Im from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Im actually a bassist. Well, let me clarify before i get flamed. Ive played guitar for 12 years, and bass for the later 10 of those years... but Ive just found more gigs as a bassist than a guitarist, so my bass rig is way...