Search results

  1. tpl2000

    Alternative Pickup Switch Wirings?

    I'm just curious, does anyone have suggestions for alternative wirings for lever/blade switches? I'm swapping a 5-way blade with a 3-way blade, and was kind of wondering how many alternative wirings could be done for the center position. I'm hoping it's maybe possible to do neck parallel there...
  2. tpl2000

    What's your favorite neck pickup?

    So, my favorite neck pickup... Is the Seymour Duncan Black Winter I have in my PRS SE Semi-hollow from '07. It's got the black nickel metal plate on it, and a series/parallel switch. It is the clearest, most detailed tone I could possibly have hoped for in my semi, and it can do cleans and metal...
  3. tpl2000

    Solar Guitars by Ola Englund

    Aloha, all! If I should put this into my own thread, please just let me know. I intend to put in an order for an S1.6PP some time this weekend, but wasn't sure about customs costs. I live in the US; does anyone know if there's a separate customs charge from the order cost? Also, does anyone...
  4. tpl2000

    Tips for overcoming electrical interference?

    Quick update, I swapped computers from my desktop to a laptop. When the interface is plugged into a laptop it seems to completely get rid of the interference sound, so I think I can chalk this one up to either wall electrical interference or a faulty component of the desktop. Thanks for all of...
  5. tpl2000

    Tips for overcoming electrical interference?

    Hey all! I've been recording lately and trying out Impulse responses a lot over the last few weeks, but there seems to be either electrical or radio interference making its way into my recordings (as well as being output by the amp.) I'd appreciate any help or advice in the matter! My signal...
  6. tpl2000

    Most enjoyable riffs to play

    While I fear that this may be a dead fish, please feel free to redirect me to any pre-existing thread discussing the topic! I've been searching for something to remotivate me to learning new (to me) riffs and songs on guitar. I've even taken up learning flute due to boredom with what I already...
  7. tpl2000

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Have you ever looked at old chord notation (see:Coltrane)? Circles, (sometimes with a slash in them,) triangles... Bugged the crap out of me when I was trying to translate them lol.
  8. tpl2000

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Please, forgive me for trying to get back to the topic at hand.
  9. tpl2000

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Don't you love it when an question turns into people bitterly arguing semantics? I'm not trying to troll, people. I just want recommendations for something to learn.
  10. tpl2000

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Why do people constantly think I'm saying they don't use theory at all? I just said they use theory. Sometimes they don't, but usually they do. Anyways...
  11. tpl2000

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Mr. Jarzombek, as I recall? I like him a fair bit, including his guest solo with Obscura, and work with Spastic Ink.
  12. tpl2000

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    To be clear on what I meant by what I said, I don't like playing noise metal. I'm okay with listening to it. Even with songs where the guitar doesn't seem to have any basis on theory, they compensate with vocals most of the time (see: Make Total Destroy) So, I'm not saying I dislike Periphery...
  13. tpl2000

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Hey guys, just wanted to know if anyone know which songs Periphery did, that sounded good, weren't straight noise metal, and were on six-strings. I've listened to them for a while, and I feel like it would be worth learning a fair bit of their music, but I'm lacking a 7/8 string and don't really...
  14. tpl2000

    Advice on next guitar?

    (Random note, I love that the box I'm typing into to post this thread is a dark grey with white text. Much easier on my eyes. So, I'd appreciate some opinions on what my next guitar should be. I tend to have a fairly eclectic kind of music I play, so I think I'd like this next one to be focused...
  15. tpl2000

    Place to get pedal enclosures?

    I'd forgotten about the altoid solution lol. Any idea if those are conductive? Also, how does one put the slots in for the 1/4" jacks? Wire cutter, perhaps?
  16. tpl2000

    Place to get pedal enclosures?

    Hey all, not 100% sure on which sub-forum to pust this in. Please redirect if necessary! Does anyone know where I could get a pre-drilled enclosure for a pedal, for a relatively low price? The only holes I need drilled are for the in and out jacks, as well as a single pot. I'll be putting an...
  17. tpl2000

    Metal + jazz amp recommendation?

    I looked at them, but I have always had problems listening to their overdrive/distortion channel. Really lacking, for my taste. For a little while I was considering just getting one for their tube power amp, lol.
  18. tpl2000

    Metal + jazz amp recommendation?

    The metal tone I prefer for rhythm, is Periphery (of course.) Not as much of a fan of going completely out of any remote idea of a key, but I love the tone they get. For leads, I particularly like Obscura's solos from Cosmogenesis. Very high gain, lots of tapping, but it almost seems like a mix...
  19. tpl2000

    Metal + jazz amp recommendation?

    I think it's worth noting, that neither of those amps really fits my criteria? The Mark V sounds great, but I can't find one with 50+ watts in my price range. And the Friedman doesn't actually seem to have a metal tone, really. Heavy blues, maybe? Reminds me of SRV.
  20. tpl2000

    Metal + jazz amp recommendation?

    I'll try to make this concise: Need an amp head! Looking for one with a good metal tone, as well as a good clean tone. Seeking recommendations around the $1500-1600 range. Preferences: Amplifier head 6l6 tubes in the power section More than 25 watts Any and all recommendations...