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  1. Briggs

    Another Hot Munky Guitar

    I think munky brings the metal...:cool: he's inspirational as a heavy rhythm guitarist...:yesway: oh yeah :yesway:
  2. Briggs

    Cab question

    take your time, you want them to turn out nice!:yesway:
  3. Briggs

    Cab question

    I like the build idea:yesway: do you have the tools, time, and work area to build some cabs?
  4. Briggs

    Ibanez 2007 Reissue models new jem and 8 string revealed!!!

    wow, I actually like the inlay:eek: more color options would be good....matte navy blue? anyone?
  5. Briggs

    Alumitone Pickups - Noiseless Passives

    I have a set in one of my mexican strats....they sound pretty good:wavey:
  6. Briggs

    Tech 21 xxl guitar edition

    I have to agree:yesway: a clip:
  7. Briggs

    Tech 21 xxl guitar edition

    well for one, the warp control is not your average lets you balance the amounts of odd and even harmonics:yesway:
  8. Briggs

    Ibanez 8 and comfortability

    as it is, my rg7321 is comfy...:yesway: but, this new 8 string looks great but, do I need big hands to play it? :scratch: thats an aweful wide neck. :eek:
  9. Briggs

    Tech 21 xxl guitar edition

    anyone like tech 21? got one of these for Christmas... this thing is amazing:
  10. Briggs

    Guitar World Review Guide(NWS)

    yeah, the're digging deep to sell their pathetic magazine:lol:
  11. Briggs

    Guitar World Review Guide(NWS)

    all this bickering over a nice rack?? Seriously, you knuckleheads need to get a life:nuts:
  12. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    Global Warming Public Nuisance Complaint On September 20th 2006, Lockyer filed a lawsuit against what his office refers to as "the big six automakers" for their alleged contributions to the global warming problem. Initial reaction was mixed, with some environmental groups being supportive...
  13. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    :lol: I'm sure, this thing has something to do with some warming too: I feel warm just looking at it:lol:
  14. Briggs

    The most awesome acoustic guitarist ever

    thx for posting.......I like it:banana:
  15. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    nuclear weapons could do some damage, yes?
  16. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    Even if global warming was a reality, I doubt we could do anything about it. It may very well be part of the earth's natural climate. Can we control weather now? lol :lol:
  17. Briggs

    The effects of drugs and alcohol on Spiders.

    way too funny....:lol:
  18. Briggs

    Ibanez 2007 Reissue models new jem and 8 string revealed!!!

    this one is going to kill:yesway:
  19. Briggs

    Cannibal Corpse

    anyone like to kill cookies?
  20. Briggs

    Boss GT8

    the distortions sounded good at first... but, got old after a/b'ing with a sansamp...sansamp, makes more realistic harmonics. The gt-8's distortions sound rather canned and stale compared to the sansamp. The digital effects are great, though.