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  1. F

    Jackson Y2KV #4 in All its Natural Beauty!

    is that mahogany Y2KV you got a USA model or an import?
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    i had a 6534 for a short while after i saw the amp shootout with bulb. i will say a video is not an accurate representation of the amps true sound, because while it sounded decent in person, it didnt sound like it did in the clip. there was this "buzzy" characteristic to the tone i could not...
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    Jackson GAS

    not for 9,000 bucks its not:lol: i swear, these guitar companies give me major LOLZ with the prices they mark these "special run" guitars with. Dont think im just being biased with jackson...its every company.
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    NGD!!! (Purple Goodness!)

    nice!! I love how it doesnt have that stupid ESP inlay at the 12th fret.
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    A little tour of my Guitar Room! (possible G.A.S inside. Wear a mask!)

    now THAT is a man cave!!!!!!! :hbang: well done good sir.
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    Peavey 6505+ and live-in case

    i know this is slightly off topic but why have you been selling off all your stuff joe? first the two rico customs you had and now your amp and such? youre not dyin are ya? :idea:
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    an SL2HT would be an awesome addition. I honestly almost never use the trem. Its just never been my thing really. I might have the trem professionally blocked off someday or put another Tremol-No into this guitar but we'll just wait and see. The floyd seems to be of good quality and is...
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    sweet mama love sauce! :eek: dude i want that natural quilt SLAT! Im actually a huge fixed bridge fan, so that made my ears perk up bigtime.
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    definitely a possibility man. I got it from the sam ash on colonial drive in orlando. The GC in winter park had the exact same guitar like i had said, but for 1200, and GC's used jackson wasnt in as nice of condition as mine. It had a few light scratches on it but was still pretty nice.
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    Another craigslist NGD-RG prestige...need help

    that was indeed a sweet score...if i found a prestige 1527 in that condition for 300 bucks i woulda pounced on that myself! kinda reminds me of a year or so ago when i stupidly sold my MIJ RG7620 on CL for 300 bucks w/ a case. This was before I knew how much more they can really be sold...
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    the more i play this guitar, the more im liking it. there is something about the combination of the neck contour and radius, the low action and lord knows what else that just makes this guitar so effortless to play. Its a VERY solid feeling guitar which I like alot. I also love the...
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    And the fr00t begins

    wow that guitar is really neon :lol:
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    Blackmachine B6's (No Longer) Available

    thats a pretty sweet guitar, but not sweet enough to justify $2700 USD plus shipping costs. Id be game for around 2k....
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    Gibson Dethklok Thunderhorse Explorer

    i will admit that this guitar looks nothing like skwisgaar's explorer (which is actually a cartoon version of brendan smalls favorite personal guitar), but i still like it alot nonetheless...i like silverburst in general and this guitar is tasty...but it should have EMG's to be closer to the...
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    I cant speak for any of that, but for some reason the stock duncans are sounding REALLY good through my setup, so I have no reason to drop an extra 350 on the guitar and thus decrease the good deal ratio :P
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    The President's Day NGD!

    i bet that guitar would greatly benefit from a pickup swap. :cough cough BARE KNUCKLE cough cough: :wavey:
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    thanks for all the kind words guys:cool: had a chance to jam out through my splawn/mesa rig and this thing sounds fricken great. Im surprised that the JB in the bridge doesnt sound as bad as i expected it to. Nevertheless I am somewhat tempted to slap some bare knuckles in this thing lol...
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    im not questioning it, i just went with it haha....i guess it was just my time in the GAS universe to snag a good deal....we all get our was just my time :P
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    thanks guys...indeed it does not get more metal than an all black jackson. I got it at sam ash. I am sooo glad I held off on my GAS urges because ironically the GC by me had this EXACT SAME GUITAR on the used rack of their store at the same time I found this one at sam ash. But GC was...
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    NGD! Jackson SL2H Soloist

    So I dropped off my PRS at the local big name store to have my bare knuckle aftermath installed, and as I was walking through the used guitar section I see this.... It is 2009 manufactured Jackson USA soloist in 99.8% condition...I looked it over head to toe and there was nary a ding...