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  1. seven_stringer

    NuAge Tonewoods

    A few years ago or so the Rockler near me sold Thermowood or something that was Radiata Pine that was to be used in place of other hardwoods. I looked at it and was considering trying it for a neck or fretboard but before I finally got round to picking some up they pulled it. Store told me it...
  2. seven_stringer

    First Generation Agile Pendulum

    Even though the body is carved it appears to have a flat section large enough for a non traditional pickguard. Places that sell luthier supplies usually carry blank pickguard stock. You can also use wood, metal, plastic etc.
  3. seven_stringer

    First Generation Agile Pendulum

    If you have enough woodworking skills to make a body you could buy this and use the neck and hardware on the body design of your choice. Another option is to make your own pickguard and do a fender style swimming pool route for whatever pickups you can fit between the end of the fretboard and...
  4. seven_stringer

    Tips on screwing new tuner holes?

    Depending on the hardness of the wood you also risk breaking the screw off in it without pilot holes. Make sure the pilot hole is deep enough for the screw but be careful you don't drill all the way through to the face. A drill bit depth stop or tape wrapped around the bit so you know when to...
  5. seven_stringer

    "Warning, strong orange content" NGD 8 string neck through.

    Yes! More details! Looks very nice. I've never seen that type of roller bridge before. Where did you get it? Jeff
  6. seven_stringer

    8 String V the final of the trilogy.

    Very nice looking V! I can barely play a 6 or 7 string but for me to try playing an 8 string...forget about it! Starting to get the build bug back from this build. Jeff
  7. seven_stringer

    NGD: Sabre Guitars SSM-1 (Extremely pic heavy!)

    Very nice looking guitar. Except for the nut the detail is fantastic. Quality work. I made a 27" scale 7 string neck through a few years ago and didn't make the neck/fret board wide enough at the body end. After I realized what I had done I was pissed but put it together anyway. The...
  8. seven_stringer

    Anyone ever make a nut out of maple?

    If you want to experiment with wood for the nut you can soak it in a wood hardener like MinWax Wood Hardener. Google acrylic impregnated wood and MinWax Wood Hardener for more info. You can also soak the wood nut with thin CA glue to give it some durability.
  9. seven_stringer

    Help Me Design my ZOMBIE GUITAR!!! (56k = Braaaaiiiiins)

    Most zombies are missing things like limbs, skin, eyes etc. To keep the guitar usable you're limited to what you can remove from it. Removing paint and adding blood and or torn flesh could work. There was a previous post in this thread about puffy paint used for effect. It could be used to...
  10. seven_stringer

    Went to buy a new guitar and all I got was this stupid story

    These days I only go into Guitar Center when I'm looking for inspiration for a future guitar build. I look at the shapes and various finishes to see what catches my attention more. I stopped buying from them years ago when I felt like I knew more about guitars and parts than their staff did...
  11. seven_stringer

    NGD! my custom 7 string

    It looks nice. I think the fretboard overhang is slightly longer on the treble side. So the neck pickup was placed to line up with it in the same way as the bridge pickup was placed next to the bridge. Jeff
  12. seven_stringer

    Jackson DX7 intonation issues

    Are these the same guage strings that were on it before? Did you have problems with intonation before the new strings? Is the saddle switched around so the flat part of it faces the rear of the guitar? Ex. 1 /| or Ex. 2 |\. Example 1 will give you just a little bit more adjustment...
  13. seven_stringer

    Anybody in a cover band and use a 7?

    I tried playing one of the 7 strings that I built at a band practice once....once. I'm not that good with the 7 string and I didn't have any trouble with playing the bar chords in any of the songs that we played for some reason. The problem I had was when I had to play open string...
  14. seven_stringer

    Artinger Semi Hollow 7 String - Pictures! OMG Guys!

    Is the fretboard Bubinga? Whatever it is the guitar looks really nice.
  15. seven_stringer

    Cloning Ibanez specs w/ different woods: Unethical?

    Sorry! Computer locked up double post.
  16. seven_stringer

    Cloning Ibanez specs w/ different woods: Unethical?

    My take on this is to make something original if it's to be sold to the public. This way you can avoid all of the ethical/unethical stuff. If I built a copy of an Ibanez RG (no emblem) for someone how would I know if they later put an Ibanez emblem on it to sell it as original? What if...
  17. seven_stringer

    String ferrule not sitting flush

    Has the ferrule always looked this way? If the hole was drilled correctly then you should be able to tap it back in using a wood dowel(rod) and a rubber mallet or hammer. Caution should be used so the dowel doesn't slip off of the ferrule and damage the guitar top. Start off with a light tap...
  18. seven_stringer

    Fixing Neck Dive

    I have routed out a section of a light weight 2 piece Poplar double cut style 7 string body and then added steel to fill the route and it worked well enough. Since that build I have been more cautious about the body woods I use so I haven't had to do that again. I wouldn't do that to anything...
  19. seven_stringer

    Finally got around to taking some good pics of my BRJ

    Beautiful guitar. Are those rear covers mounted on the surface of the body? I ask because I'm thinking of doing my future builds that way instead of recessing them.

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