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  1. Rebelyellz

    Why are you mad right now?

    I was on here 6 years ago, and was so shocked by all of the Racist on here.. I think you all can stick this Racist org up where it doesn't shine.. :fawk:
  2. Rebelyellz

    Best. Headline. Ever

  3. Rebelyellz

    Plug That Shit! Current Projects:

    I have been writing at least one song a month. Im still at home and can not drive! I take enough drugs! Thats all I say about that! I still cant walk either! Im really pissed off about that! The nerve damage in my leg will take forever to heal! Im busy with Lawyers and Docters. The Docter that...
  4. Rebelyellz

    I am angry, and require assistance!

    FYI This posted before i could check the spelling. DONNIE Mid Misery here. DONNIE
  5. Rebelyellz

    I am angry, and require assistance!

    Damm it a hard disicion to pick out a new 6 string electric guitar!Gibson,Fender,Ibanez,ESP,Schecter?These are the brands im down too!Then again buy online,new,used,from a dealer,setup or not,taxes or not!This might of already been on here.But id like to spent my money wisely!Have we all been...
  6. Rebelyellz

    Someone has some nice SHIT

    Dang even a Steinberger type guitar in there! DONNIE
  7. Rebelyellz

    Best Buy Confirms 'Secret' Version of its Website to screw customers.

    This org should start a bad bussiness Thread.Best Buy should at top of the list!But then again a good bussiness thread should be started.I think we all have been screwed at least once!But we all have been helped at least once too!Wal Mart is always getting a bad rap too!2 of the main owners live...
  8. Rebelyellz

    New Strat. w00t.

    Let me give you my addy and send the LP copy to me????DONNIE
  9. Rebelyellz


    Probally because you would ban him him 2 days if he took up for himself like I did! DONNIE
  10. Rebelyellz

    Weight gainer

    Marry a Fat girl it works! DONNIE
  11. Rebelyellz

    Will & Grace

    Im glad its not on anymore too!! DONNIE
  12. Rebelyellz

    A kick in the pills

    Man thats bad! A real Man doesnt do that sh&t!I feel for you and your family!! DONNIE
  13. Rebelyellz

    Jerry Springer Calls!! What The *$#&()%#

    It would suck if Jerry Springer called and wanted you on his show! Is my wife bi?:agreed: My wife gay!:mad: My wife cheating??:nono: My wife sold my guitars??:scream: :rant: :evil: I lose 2 hours of my life everyday watching Springer,but im laughing my ass off.Im thinking my life isnt so bad...
  14. Rebelyellz

    Chris Angel Levitation FREAK

    Is that the million dollar Question,his levition??If so, I wanta know too!! DONNIE
  15. Rebelyellz

    2 women to be LOST on a Island with?

    Me BAD
  16. Rebelyellz

    Egyptian Blogger Sentenced for Writings

    Write something bad about Islam or the Mormans that pisses them off, and see how quick they will put a bounty on your butt!!This has happened in the US and Europe! DONNIE
  17. Rebelyellz

    2 women to be LOST on a Island with?

    No thinking on this for me! Selma Hyatt and Mia tyler.Selma is a movie star and with looks,God I love that smile!! Steven Tyler is Mias Dad!Mias is pretty and a thick girl on top of that!:agreed: DONNIE
  18. Rebelyellz

    Best 2 Live Concerts??

    Man Mr. Peter Gagriel WOWWW!! Id party with you and JACKSONPLAYER!! DONNIE
  19. Rebelyellz

    Old cartoons you like/d to watch

    How about FIREBALL XR15 i had to 5 or 6? puppet show